
IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「TALENT」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (3)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

副詞 + 形容詞  Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 副詞 + 形容詞 の組み合わせです。


☑Pretty hilarious

She watched the movie and told me to watch it too. I didn’t regret it because it was pretty hilarious.

☑Incredibly stunning

We are at awe with the sculpture. Everyone was just incredibly stunning.

☑ Extremely popular

Why haven’t you heard of The Bachelor? It’s extremely popular nowadays.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 TALENT 」

▮質問 1

Do you like watching talent shows?


I have nothing against watching talent shows I’m just not a big fan Although there are some shows that I do love watching, like The Voice or the Got Talent franchises I find those really enjoyable But, I’m not into a lot of them I mean, if you say there’s a new talent show coming soon on TV, I won’t be as interested as others would I’ll just probably wait till the show is on before I can say whether I’ll watch it or not If I do watch talent shows, I normally just watch the audition process Those can be pretty hilarious I love those moments more than the actual competition itself I love auditionees who act up when the judges don’t like them I kind of feel bad for them since they are embarrassing themselves on national television, and will probably go through massive backlash and hate Still, I can’t help but laugh at their reactions I’d also see a lot of potential favorites during the audition process I don’t like the show that much, I’d just watch my favorite’s progress online

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▮質問 2

Describe a popular talent show that you like watching. 

You should say

  • what the talent show is
  • where it is held
  • who the popular talents are
  • and what made the show popular.


I think my most favorite talent show is the Got Talent franchise. There are diverse talents there, and I love the auditions. There are lots of incredibly stunning acts that I can’t help but root for. I also love the show since they have talents in for everyone. It’s not limited to singers or dancers, or solo acts or groups. The participants, both young and old, can join. Even animals can join! It’s a gathering of really amazing talents from around the world.I think it started in Britain, but there are so many Got Talent shows around the world such as in America and Asia. Some countries have acquired the show, but I’m not updated with them unless I see compilations of acts on the internet. Several unforgettable talents came from the franchise. There’s Susan Boyle from Britain’s Got Talent, Shin Lim from America’s Got Talent, and Sacred Riana from Asia’s Got Talent. I think what made the franchise so popular is that it’s a culmination of every talent in the world. People can look up to the acts in the show because of their amazing talent as well as their beautiful stories. I look forward to the next season and can’t wait to see more hilarious and awe inspiring acts.

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ネイティブのリアル英語   bird brain 間抜け


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


bird brain 間抜け

「   間抜け 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”   bird brain ” といいます。


The man is a bird brain and he always makes mistakes at work.


英語の鳥頭(bird brain)は、愚かな人、間抜けな人、落ち着きのない人を







  bird brain 間抜け 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I’m such a birdbrain! I totally forgot that I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday!


I’m such a moron! I totally forgot that I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday!


I’m such a birdbrain! I todally fergot th’d I had a doctor’s appointment yesderday!


said of someone who is a moron; imbecile

IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「HOTEL」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ

Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (2)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

副詞 + 形容詞  Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 副詞 + 形容詞 の組み合わせです。


☑Utterly relaxing

I went to a beach resort which was utterly relaxing

for me and my family.

☑Absolutely delicious

During the party, my mother had prepared several dishes

which were absolutely delicious.

☑Absolutely private

The gala is one of the most prestigious event of the

year. The security is tight and the celebration is absolutely private.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 HOTEL 」

▮質問 1

Do you like to stay in a hotel?


Yes, I do love staying at hotels. It might be the comfortable bed, or the defining features, like the swimming pool and good food. But I think what I love the most is the sense of relaxation it gives me. I mean, once I’m in a hotel, my mind instantly says that I made off from the office and that I’m supposed to relax now. I’ve basically conditioned myself to think that hotels are for vacations only. It’s utterly relaxing. I can check out the next day feeling more refreshed and invigorated to do all the work that I have left and go about my day to day life. Of course, it wasn’t always a great experience for me. I know not all hotels are created equal. There are places that I’m not really a big fan of. There are also some good places that I have been to, but something unexpected happened, and the bad memories override the happy ones. Still, I look forward to the next time I get to stay in a hotel, only this time I’m seriously saving up to stay at a high-end accommodation and experience living like royalty. It’s one of my goals in life. I’ll definitely make it come true sooner or later.

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▮質問 2

Describe the best hotel that you’ve stayed in.
You should say

• where the hotel is

• who you were with

• what you like there

• and why you think it’s the best.


One of my absolute favorite hotels was a local. It’s an affordable 3-star hotel. I came across this place when I was making for my distant relative’s home. I used to go there alone when I simply want to relax, or when I’m feeling down. I think people call it ‘staycation’ nowadays. Sometimes, I’d invite a few friends to stay the night, and we’d spend the weekend staying up late, or go swimming in the pool. And that’s actually one of the things I love the most about that hotel–their pool. I have visited a lot of hotels with swimming pools, but there are normally tons of people using it, so I’m not a big fan. However, in m favorite hotel, we almost have the pool to ourselves. Other guests are staying, but I don’t know why only a few tries swimming. I guess it works well for me since I can do several laps uninterrupted. It’s a really peaceful and energizing experience. Besides the pool, I definitely love their food. They have one of the best local pizzas I have tasted. The dough is cooked just right, and there are lots of toppings. I also love their pasta dishes, most especially their chicken pesto pasta. It’s absolutely delicious. I just can’t turn down good food and a relaxing place.

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

News コース トピック更新- 「ツイッターのハッキング」

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。

Three charged in high-profile Twitter hack


Three people have been charged for their alleged involvement in the massive hacking attack on Twitter that took place on July the 15th. Hackers hacked into 130 high-profile accounts, including those of former US President Barack Obama, presidential candidate Joe Biden, rapper Kanye West, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. T








2.  ZOOMアプリをインストールせずにZOOM招待リンクから参加する



ZOOM招待リンクから参加する場合は、「講師への連絡」からZOOM 招待リンクをクリックしてレッスンに参加してください。

レッスン時間10分~15分前に、「講師への連絡」にZOOM招待リンクが届いていることを確認して、レッスン時間にリンクをクリックしてください。 招待リンクが届いていない場合は、「講師への連絡」からメッセージを送ってください。








ZOOM インストールからレッスン開始まで ( 一般会員様 )


1.    Zoom PCアプリを起動する



2.  Zoomアカウントにサインイン

サインイン画面 の サインインをクリック

続いて 受講者のメールアドレスとパスワードを入力して サインインをクリック


3.   Zoomアカウントで講師からのコールを待ちます。



4.   初めての講師から届いたコンタクトリクエストを承認







5.   講師からのコールを受信




6.    Zoomアカウントのサインアウト





(上部はアカウント登録者名、 下部にサインアウト)


Level ( Beginner – Elementary)

絵を見て動作や状況の説明をするレッスンです。絵は毎回5枚用意されます。それぞれの絵に対し5つの話をしてもらい、講師が適切な単語、フレーズをアドバイスします。最後にそれぞれの絵について簡単な会話を講師と共に行います。 基本的な語彙、文法、表現力を自然に身につけるトレーニングです。

* こちらの教材は全てマイページ上部メニュー「オリジナル教材」から



Level (Beginner – Elementary)

自己紹介から始まる基本的な日常会話レッスンをDialogue(会話)形式で行います。 講師とロールプレイでしっかりと基本フレーズを覚えた後はトピックスについての質問に答えながら講師と会話をすることで自然に会話の基本が身につきます。

* こちらの教材は全てマイページ上部メニュー「オリジナル教材」から



Level (Beginner – Elementary)

基礎から英会話を学びたい初級者から低・中級者、又は中高生を対象にしたスピーキング中心のレッスンプランです。 初級者の方でも英語が「Easily(簡単)」、「Quickly(素早く)」、「Automatically(反射的に)」話せるようになります。

* こちらの教材は全てマイページ上部メニュー「オリジナル教材」から



Level (Beginner – Elementary)

基礎から英会話を学びたい初級者から低・中級者、又は中高生を対象にした会話中心のレッスンプランです。 初級者の方でも英語が「Easily(簡単)」、「Quickly(素早く)」、「Automatically(反射的に)」話せるようになります。 非常に簡単で短いDialogue(会話)を使い簡単な語彙、フレーズが使えるためのレッスンをした後、講師とロールプレイを行いながら実践的会話力をしっかりと身につけていただきます。

* こちらの教材は全てマイページ上部メニュー「オリジナル教材」から


IELTS スピーキング  Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「 MOVIES 」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ

Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (1)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

副詞 + 形容詞  Collocations 

以下5つの Collocation は 副詞 + 形容詞 の組み合わせです。


Ridiculously easy

I got a little bit worried because it was ridiculously easy

Highly successful

There are a lot of projects that he had done that were highly

Strongly opposed

Many people were strongly opposed to their sensitive theme.

Deeply concerned

You can’t deny that fact that a mother is deeply concerned about

her child.

Actively involved

The parents are actively involved with their kids’ school.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「MOVIES」

▮質問 1

What movie do you think is good for kids?


Have you watched Frozen? It’s really amazing I like that it’s

not the usual story about love Usually,it’s the guy meets girl kind of

story But this one is deeply concerned about love from different people in our

lives That true love is not only with our lover or boyfriend, but true love can be

given to us by our family like in the story,her sister. This highly successful movie is a must

watch The moral of the story is good for kids

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▮質問 2

Describe a movie that annoyed you. You should say

● what title of the movie is

● what movie is about

● where and when the movie was

● And why you don’t like the movie.


Internet Hack is a disappointing movie. I strongly opposed to the movie plots. I think they are trying to change the mindset of people through this medium, but I don’t think they could get it across.

The story is about the responsible use of the internet. The lead cast was very lax with his security and privacy. Then someone got his information and eventually his identity and life. The culprit pretended to be him.

The story happens in the future, the year 2030 in the capital of New York, during that time, everyone can use the internet in a jiffy, and everyone with enough knowledge and skills in computer can get a person’s identity to do crime and get away with it.

For starters, I didn’t like that it wasn’t a happy ending. But what I hate the most was, the characters were so naïve and irresponsible. They were presented with a lot of options, yet they refused to adapt.

I think people behind the screen had exaggerated the movie that it’s no longer relatable. Well, it’s just my opinion.

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!