IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 ディスコースマーカー 7 時 TIME, 判断 ASSESSMENT

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で
▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現

● Sample 1:
Paul started his own business few years. Meanwhile, his wife is still in school and will graduate soon.
Explanation: Something is going on with Paul at the same time with his wife.
● Sample 2:
The picture on the wall is oddly painted.

Explanation: It explains that the painting is strange.
「時」の ディスコースマーカー

After a while : 後に、少し間をおいて、少し間を置いて、しばらくしてから
After than : ~よりも後に
Afterward : のちに、あとで、その後
At the same time : 同時に、(…と)同時に、そうではあるが
In the meantime : (2 つのことが起こる)その間に、それまでは
Meanwhile : (次のことが始まる)それまでは、(一方)その間、そうしている間に、
Previously : 以前に、前もって
Simultaneously : 同時に、(…と)同時に
Subsequently : その後、後に、(…に)続いて

Astonishingly 驚くほど
Oddly 奇妙に、奇異に、奇妙にも
Importantly 重大に、大事そうに、(さらに)重要なことには
Incredibly 信じられないほど、非常に、
Inevitably 必然的に、必ず、当然
Ironically 皮肉に、反語的に、皮肉なことには、
Justifiably 正当に、当然に、当然なこととして
Regrettably 気の毒なほどに、残念にも、遺憾ながら、
Unremarkably 通常の状態で
試験で使える! ディスコースマーカーを使った回答文
1. How do you organize your time?
Use ‘at the same time’ in the beginning of your answer.
● Sample Answer:
I think that’s a really tough question. I love organizing my things, but sadly, I can’t seem to manage my time well. Anyhow, I have this plain notebook where I jot down everything I need to do that day and put how much time I need to spend on a particular task, or at least how much time I think I need to spend on it. At the same time, I avoid my phone by all means, especially if I’m working on an important chore. I also turn off my social media notifications so that I don’t get distracted.
Drill ドリル
1. We have to hurry up packing our bags. Our bus will be here in a while. 2. The project manager took care of everything – materials, workers, shifts, venue, but more importantly, medics and daily wage are all set. 3. The materials used in the car are strikingly elegant. 4. We tried to get the tickets, but, sadly, it was sold out in 10 hours. 5. You have to hold the stick and pull this rope at the same time so that it can reveal the painting.
