
IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている! Idiom

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Idiom

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ(E)

┃ use a range of idioms   (イディオム)

受験者はIELTS スピーキング テストがゲームであることを強く認識してください。




ハイスコア(7.0 +)を目指すなら、イディオムを積極的に使うようにします。



イディオムを使うことはチャレンジになります。 試験官はイディオムを使わせる

誘導的な質問はしません。 例えば、試験官が” would you like to travel to another country?” 

と質問する場合は、意図的に 受験者が “would” を使って返答できたかを試していますが、





イディオムを使った 回答例

IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている! Connotation

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Connotation

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ(D)


単語は3つのconnotation (negative, neutral, positive)のどれかに当てはまります。




また、友人の体系(body )について話すときに「She is thin」と言えば、試験官は痩せているとだけ理解します、thinは、それ以上の表現ではありませんが、「she is skinny」と言うと、友人が痩せすぎている(から心配だ)とネガティブな発言と理解してしまいます。 一方で「she is slim」と言えば、あなたが友人の体系を好意的(positive)に思っていると理解します。



Connotation (含意) の例

IELTS スピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Collocations

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Collocations

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ(C)

IELTS スピーキングで語彙力の評価ポイントとしては、「語と語の組み合わ






見ていきましょう。 今回は 語と語の組み合わせCollocations についてです。

● collocations  語と語の組み合わせ 



コロケーションに含まれる範囲は広く、take place のように熟語・連語として扱われる例もあれば、watch TV のように熟語とは言いにくい例も含みます。


例えば、ネイティブスピーカーは、「strong wind」「heavy rain」と話しています。これを、あなたが「heavy wind」「strong rain」と試験官に話すと、きわめて不自然に聞こえ、


7.0 以上のハイスコア―を目指すのであれば、collocationを話の中に織り交ぜる必要があります。 しかも、正確にラクラクとcollocationを使うことが大切になります。

Collocation   品詞 組み合わせの例

動詞 + 名詞  Collocations

動詞 + 副詞  Collocations

形容詞 + 名詞  Collocations

副詞 + 形容詞  Collocations

名詞 + 名詞  Collocations

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! 語彙の豊富さ

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! 評価基準 (2-B)

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ(B)





a rage of words   (synonym  同意語、類義語 ) 




そこで、語彙力をアピールするために必要なのが synonym (同意語、類義語)の知識です。

例えば、”it’s really good”や”everything is good”とは言わずに、”good の類義語(synonym)

を使って、”it’s spectacular”や”everything is tremendous” と言うことで


synonym  ( 同意語、類義語) の 例

 a rage of words     (paraphrasing  言い換え)



そこで、Paraphrasing (言い換え)を利用してください。


┃ Paraphrasing (言い換え)5つの法則

1. synonyms (同意語、類義語)を使う

2. 単語の全部を変えずに一部を変える

3. 間違いを避ける(自信のない単語は使わない)

4. 単語の形を変える(例 動詞→動名詞)

5. 構文を変える

例えば、”do you like to read” と聞かれたら、”yes, I love to read” と答えるのではなく、”yes, I love reading” のように、動詞の形を変えることで語彙力をアピールできます。”yes, I like to read” のように質問と同じ単語を使うと、試験官に語彙力不足と判定されますので注意してください。

▮ 語形の変更

 ● Many people are unhealthy because they fail to eat well and exercise.

 ● Many people have poor health because they are failing to eat well and 

are not exercising enough. 


1. unhealthy  = poor health

2.  fail  = failing

3.  exercise  = exercising 

● 語形の変更による paraphrasing の例

developing  = the development of

increasing  = an increase in

pollution  = being polluted

explain  = explanation   

▮  構文を変える  paraphrasing  

● Many people are unhealthy because they fail to eat well and exercise.

それでは、上の文で2つの句 ( ” Many people are unhealthy” と ” because they fail to eat well and exercise” ) を入れ替えてみます。 

● Many people fail to eat well and exercise and , for that reason, they are unhealthy.


● Failing to eat well and not exercising are the reasons that many people have poor health.

IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている! Topic Word

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Topic Word

Linking words and phrases 

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ

2つ目の評価基準は” Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ” です。




● Linking words and phrases 

   論理的でわかりやすい話の展開をするために、的確なLinking word と

phrases (繋ぎ語と熟語)が使われているかを試験官はチェックしています。

以下のLinking words and phrasesは必ず覚えて使えるようにしておきましょう。

● Topic vocabulary トピック別単語を知っているか



例えば、環境問題について話をするとき、climate change, pollution levels などの単語が




IELTS スピーキングで頻繁に出るトピックの例です。

  •   Music
  •   Environment
  •   Communication
  •   Art
  •   Education
  •   Shopping
  •   Sports
  •   Space 
  •   Transportation 
  •   Town and Cities
  •   Food
  •  Holiday
  •  Technology
  •  Clothes and Fashion
  •  Business 

Part2 サンプル問題  ~Music~

Describe a song you like to listen to

You should say

• What the piece of music is called

• How long you have liked it

• When you like to listen to it

And say why you like it so much.

ここでは、music のジャンル、classical, Rock, Reggae, Blues、Psychedelic



(Mystery novel, magazine, Gossip, fiction, non-fiction, Science fiction, Romance, Action, Adventure など)

その他 musical instrument, catchy tune, Lyrics, live music, smash hit なども覚えるといいでしょう。








Well, the word I want to describe it has just slipped my mind. (度忘れする), anyway, the tool to make musical sounds (musical instrument) と表現を変えて説明すればその場を切り抜けることができます。

IELTS スピーキング対策として、ライティングと同様に重要となってくる Topic-specific words


  Part 1 サンプル問題  ~ Environment  ~ 

試験官: Are there any environmental problems in your country?

受験者 A : Yes … we have a serious issue with pollution levels in some of our big cities …  exhaust fumes from cars and lorries are definitely one reason for the problem but we also have a lot of heavy industry in some areas and this also results in poor air quality  …

試験官 : Do you take an interest in nature?

受験者 B :  Well … I’m a city person through and through and don’t get back to nature very often I’m afraid … but like everyone else I’m fascinated by the natural world and I like watching documentaries showing wild animals in their natural habitat …

  • air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe
  • to become extinct: to no longer exist
  • to be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct
  • climate change: the change in worldwide weather patterns
  • to die out: see ‘to become extinct’
  • endangered species: categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct
  • energy conservation: the careful management of energy resources to ensure they last as long as possible
  • environmentally friendly: behaviour and products that do not harm the environment
  • exhaust fumes: the toxic gases given off by vehicles powered by petrol
  • flash floods: floods that happen quickly
  • fossil fuels: energy resources like gas and oil that are produced deep below the ground over millions of years
  • future generations: the people who live after us
  • to get back to nature: to live a life that is closer to nature
  • global warming: the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide
  • heavy industry: the manufacture of heavy articles and materials in large numbers
  • humanitarian aid: the act of showing support to people struggling to survive
  • impact on: the effect on
  • loss of habitat: the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist
  • man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life brought about by the action of humans
  • natural disaster: an event such as an earthquake,  flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life
  • natural environment: the place where animals and plants would normally be found in nature
  • the natural world: the world of nature
  • oil spill: waste usually deposited in the seas and oceans after an accident at sea
  • poaching: to hunt and kill wild animals illegally
  • pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste
  • pressure group: a group of people who try to raise awareness of issues and try to affect the views and actions of people and organisations
  • toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted rubbish often produced by industrial processes
  • wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats

IELTSスピーキング―試験官はここをチェックしている! 評価基準(1)

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! ディスコースマーカー

Fluency and coherence 流暢さと首尾一貫性

まずは、評価基準最初のカテゴリーFluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性では、


● 長いポーズ(沈黙)や言葉のつかえなしに自然なスピードで話しているか。

● 考えを明確に、同じことを繰り返さずに、わかりやすく伝えられているか。

● ディスコース・マーカー(繋ぎ語)を適切に使って話に一貫性があるか。

Fluencyとは、”速すぎず遅すぎない” 自然なスピードです。 残念なことに、受験者の中で、








ディスコース・マーカー を使った回答例

質問: Does your name have a special meaning?

質問: What are some places of interest in your town?

質問: What are some places of interest in your town?



  • Well
  • Uhh
  • Mmm
  • Oh
  • You know
  • I mean
  • Now

■論理的・構成的に話を伝える / 話題展開

  • 一般的な文 (General Statement)
    • Generally, …
    • In general, …
    • Generally speaking, …
    • As a rule, …
    • On the whole, …
    • In many cases, …

  • 対比 (Contrast)
    • but
    • however
    • yet
    • nevertheless
    • instead
    • oppositely
    • although
    • even though
    • while
    • whereas
    • even if
    • in spite of

  • 比較 (Comparison)
    • in contrast
    • on the other hand
    • while
    • whereas
    • however
    • yet
    • similarly
    • likewise
    • In the same way
    • unlike

  • 理由 (Cause)
    • because
    • since
    • as
    • because of
    • thanks to
    • due to

  • 効果 (Effect)
    • now that
    • therefore
    • so
    • thus
    • hence
    • consequently

  • 付加/追加 (Addition)
    • in addition
    • besides
    • moreover
    • then
    • also furthermore

  • 再説明 (Explanation Rephrase)
    • in other words
    • that is to say
    • i.e.
    • namely
    • to put it differently
    • in short

  • 制限 (Limitation)
    • As far as I know
    • As far as I am concerned

  • 例 (Example)
    • for example
    • for instance
    • to illustrate

  • リスト (Listing)
    • First
    • Second
    • Third
    • To begin with

  • 要約 (Sum-up)
    • To conclude
    • To sum up
    • To summarize
    • In short
    • In brief
英検準1級 二次試験(面接)攻略 ナレーション(2分)

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)とは

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)の合格率は2012年から



▮ イラストの展開には法則がある

4コマ イラストの展開には以下のような法則があります。



▮ 全て過去形を使う

「XX said」と前置きしてからそのまま引用します。
余裕のある方は「XX asked」など、

▮ 各コマ冒頭は時間表現がら始める

2~4コマめには A week later などの時間の推移

―― 問題例  ―― 

You have one minute to prepare.

This is a story about a married couple who worked in a big city.

You have two minutes to narrate the story.

Your story should begin with the following sentence:

One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside.

出典: 英検準1級二次試験 2017年度第2回


One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside. They looked concerned to hear that the parents thought they were getting too old for farming.

A week later, the couple was back at their apartment in the city. They were talking in the living room, and the man suggested that they quit their jobs and go to the farm to help with the farm work. The man’s wife looked unsure about whether that was a good idea.

The following year, the couple had returned to the farm. They were working outside, and the man was pleased to see that his parents were enjoying the opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren.

A few months later, however, the man’s wife told him that she missed city  life as they were sitting at the table.

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)対策 特訓ゼミはこちらから 

IELTSスピーキング Part2,3 よく出る質問とモデル回答 (2)

IELTS スピーキング 「パート2」では指定されたトピックについてのスピーチが求められます。


準備時間    1分
回答時間   1-2分
内容   トピックカードで指示された内容に関して1-2分のスピーチを行う





▮ IELTS スピーキング 評価基準 

(1) 流暢さ・一貫性     言葉に詰まることなくスムーズに回答できている・適切な接続詞を用いて一貫性のある回答ができる
(2) 語彙力
(3) 文法
(4) 発音正しい発音を生成できている・聴き取りやすく分かりやすい発音である

それでは、スピーキング「パート2」「パート3」のよく出る問題と モデル回答を紹介します。

IELTS Speaking 「Part2」  よく出る問題 (2)

Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in.

You should say:

  • where it is / Where it would be
  • what you would (like to) do there
  • who you would (like to) live therewith

and explain why you would like to live in this place.


I would like to describe my dream house, which would be located in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood in the countryside. It would be surrounded by lush green fields and rolling hills, providing a serene and tranquil setting for my family and me. The house itself would be a spacious and modern two-story design, with large windows that would let in plenty of natural light. It would have an open-plan living room, dining room, and kitchen, as well as a cozy den with a fireplace for colder evenings. On the second floor, there would be three bedrooms and two bathrooms, providing ample space for my family and guests. In my dream house, I would love to spend time gardening and growing my own vegetables and herbs in the large backyard. I would also enjoy spending time outside, either relaxing on the patio or playing with my children and pets. I would like to live in this place with my spouse and children, as well as our pets. We would create many cherished memories together in this beautiful and peaceful home, surrounded by the stunning natural beauty of the countryside. The reason I would like to live in this place is that it would provide a peaceful and relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. I would love the chance to live in a spacious and modern home that is surrounded by nature, where I can spend time with my family and connect with the beauty of the natural world. Additionally, the quiet and peaceful neighborhood would provide a safe and nurturing environment for my children to grow up in. Overall, my dream house would be the perfect place for me and my family to live, offering a serene and peaceful setting, ample space, and close proximity to nature. I believe that this would be the ideal home for us, providing a comfortable and happy environment where we can create many happy memories and enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling life.

IELTS Speaking 「 Part3」  「Part2」に関連する問題

➤ Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?


This is a question that many people face when it comes to choosing a place to live. There are pros and cons to both renting and buying, and the answer depends on a variety of factors, such as one’s financial situation, lifestyle, and long-term goals.   For some people, renting can be a better option as it offers more flexibility and requires less financial commitment. Renting allows people to move more easily if they need to change location, whether for personal or professional reasons. Additionally, renters do not have to worry about the costs associated with owning a home, such as maintenance, property taxes, and mortgage payments.  On the other hand, buying a home can provide a sense of stability and long-term investment. When you own a home, you have the freedom to make changes and improvements to the property, and the value of the home can appreciate over time, potentially providing a financial gain when it’s sold. Additionally, the mortgage payments you make each month contribute to building equity in the property, and once the mortgage is paid off, you will have a valuable asset that you can pass down to future generations.  In my opinion, the decision of whether to rent or buy ultimately depends on one’s individual circumstances and priorities. For those who value flexibility and have a more transient lifestyle, renting may be a better choice. For those who value stability and are looking to build long-term wealth, buying may be the way to go.  In conclusion, whether it’s better to rent or buy a place to live in depends on many factors and requires careful consideration of one’s financial situation, lifestyle, and long-term goals. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the decision will ultimately depend on each person’s unique circumstances.

➤ How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?


The ease of finding a place to live in my country can vary depending on several factors, including location, cost, and availability. In densely populated urban areas, finding a place to live can be quite challenging. Properties are in high demand, and competition for rental properties and homes for sale can be intense. It is not uncommon for people to wait on waiting lists for months, or even years, to secure a property in these areas. In more rural or suburban areas, finding a place to live is generally easier, but this can also depend on the local housing market. In some rural areas, there may be a limited supply of properties available for rent or for purchase, which can make it more difficult for people to find a place to live.                                In terms of cost, finding a place to live in my country can also be a challenge, especially for those on a limited budget. Housing prices can vary significantly depending on the location and type of property, and many areas have high housing costs. This can make it difficult for people to find affordable housing options.                             Overall, while finding a place to live in my country can be a challenge, there are resources available to help make the process easier. These include online property listings, real estate agents, and local government housing programs. With the right resources and persistence, it is possible to find a suitable place to live.

➤ Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?


The decision of when young adults should stop living with their parents is a complex and personal one, and there is no one right answer to this question. For some young adults, living with their parents into their 20s and even 30s is a practical and financially responsible choice. This can allow them to save money, gain stability, and focus on their education or career. For others, moving out at a younger age may be a necessary step towards independence and personal growth. Living on their own can provide young adults with a sense of responsibility, allowing them to develop important life skills and build their confidence.                       Ultimately, the right age for young adults to stop living with their parents is different for everyone and can depend on various factors such as financial stability, personal goals, and family dynamics. Some young adults may choose to move out earlier, while others may wait until they are more established in their careers or have built up a larger savings. In my opinion, the decision of when young adults should stop living with their parents should be based on what is best for the individual’s circumstances and goals. It is important for young adults to carefully consider their financial situation, personal goals, and family dynamics before making this important decision. In conclusion, there is no one right answer to the question of when young adults should stop living with their parents. The decision should be based on individual circumstances and what is best for the young adult’s personal and financial well-being.

➤ What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country?

In my country, there are several options available to young couples looking for accommodation. These include renting a house or apartment, buying a property, and living in shared housing. For those who prefer a more flexible arrangement, renting a house or apartment is a popular option. Renting allows young couples to live in their desired location without the long-term commitment of purchasing a property. They can also easily move to a different property if they need to.                              For those who are looking to invest in property, buying a house or apartment is a common choice. This option provides the benefits of homeownership, such as building equity and having control over the property. However, buying a property also requires a significant upfront investment and long-term commitment. Finally, for young couples who are looking for a more affordable option, shared housing is another option. This involves sharing a house or apartment with others, which can significantly reduce the cost of housing. Shared housing can also provide a sense of community and support for young couples who are just starting out. In conclusion, there are several options available to young couples looking for accommodation in my country. These include renting a house or apartment, buying a property, and living in shared housing. The choice of accommodation will depend on the couple’s personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term goals.

➤ What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?

Making a home for ourselves can bring a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure. Here are a few examples:Personalization: Creating a living space that is unique to our personal style and preferences can be extremely enjoyable. This includes choosing furniture, decor, and colors that reflect our individual taste and personality. Comfort: Making a home that is comfortable and cozy is a key part of the process. This includes ensuring that our home is well-heated and well-lit, and that it has all the amenities we need to feel comfortable and relaxed.Creativity: Making a home can also be an outlet for our creativity. Whether we enjoy DIY projects, gardening, or simply decorating, the process of creating a home can be a wonderful opportunity to express our creativity.Security: Making a home can provide us with a sense of safety and security. Having a place that is truly our own can be incredibly empowering and help us to feel more settled and at ease in the world.Connection: Finally, making a home can be a way to build deeper connections with our loved ones. Whether we are living with family, friends, or partners, creating a shared living space can bring us closer together and help us to build stronger relationships.In conclusion, making a home for ourselves can bring a wide range of pleasures, including personalization, comfort, creativity, security, and connection. Whether we are building a new home or simply renovating an existing one, the process of making a home can be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable.

IELTSスピーキング Part2,3 よく出る質問とモデル回答 (1)

IELTS スピーキング 「パート2」では指定されたトピックについてのスピーチが求められます。


準備時間    1分
回答時間   1-2分
内容   トピックカードで指示された内容に関して1-2分のスピーチを行う







IELTS Speaking 「Part2」  よく出る問題 1

Describe an interesting animal you have seen

You should say:

  • What animal it was
  • When and Where you saw it
  • And explain how you feel about this animal


I’d like to describe a fascinating animal that I saw recently, it was a sea turtle. I saw this incredible creature while on a snorkeling trip in the Caribbean sea. It was a hot summer day and the sun was shining bright when I saw this sea turtle slowly swimming near the surface of the water. The turtle was a magnificent sight, with a dark brown shell and flippers that glimmered in the sunlight. I was struck by the grace and beauty of this animal as it effortlessly glided through the water. I was also amazed by its size, as it was easily over a meter long and weighed several hundred pounds. As I watched the turtle swim away, I felt a deep respect and admiration for this magnificent creature. Sea turtles have been around for millions of years, and they have survived through many environmental changes and human threats. They represent resilience and adaptability, and it’s amazing to think about all the things they have seen and experienced in their long lives. In addition to their longevity, sea turtles are also important for the balance of marine ecosystems. They help maintain the health of coral reefs by feeding on sea grasses and keeping their populations in check. They also play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the food chain by serving as a food source for other animals. Overall, the experience of seeing a sea turtle in the wild was truly unforgettable. It was a reminder of the beauty and diversity of the natural world, and of the importance of protecting and preserving these amazing creatures. The sea turtle is a truly remarkable animal and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to see one in its natural habitat.

IELTS Speaking 「 Part3」  「Part2」に関連する問題

➤ What kind of animals do people have in their homes?


People often keep a variety of animals as pets in their homes, including:  Dogs – one of the most popular pets, known for their loyalty and companionship. Cats – known for their independence, playful personality, and affectionate behavior.  Fish – popular due to their low maintenance, and the fact that they come in a wide variety of species and colors.  Birds – like parakeets, canaries, and cockatiels, known for their singing abilities.   These are just a few of the many types of pets people keep in their homes, and the popularity of different animals can vary greatly depending on the region and individual preferences.

➤ A lot of animals are getting extinct these days. What do you think about this?

  Why is it happening?


The rapid rate of animal extinction is a serious concern, and it is happening for several reasons. One major factor is the destruction of natural habitats due to human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture. This results in a loss of food and shelter for wildlife, and a decrease in their overall population. Another reason is over-exploitation, such as over-fishing, hunting, and poaching. This puts too much pressure on already endangered species and drives them closer to extinction. Climate change and the introduction of non-native species can also have negative impacts on local ecosystems, which can lead to the extinction of certain animal species. The loss of biodiversity due to animal extinction has far-reaching consequences for both the natural world and for humans, as many species play important roles in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. To prevent further animal extinction, it is important for individuals and governments to take action by reducing human impact on the environment, protecting habitats, and promoting sustainable practices. Additionally, supporting conservation and preservation efforts can help to ensure the survival of endangered species and the overall health of our planet’s ecosystems.

➤ Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what do people use

  to do their work?


Earlier people used animals such as horses, oxen, and donkeys for manual labor, transportation, and other tasks. Today, people have replaced many of these animals with machines and technology. For example: Tractors and other agricultural machinery are used for plowing fields, planting crops, and harvesting. Cars, trucks, and trains are used for transportation instead of horses and other draft animals. Forklifts and other material handling equipment are used in factories and warehouses. Construction equipment such as cranes and bulldozers are used for building and demolition work.
Robotics and automation systems are used in a growing number of industries, including manufacturing, transportation, and food production. While animals are still used in some jobs and industries, such as herding livestock and working with police or military dogs, technology has largely replaced their role in manual labor and transportation. The use of machines and technology has helped to increase efficiency and productivity in many areas, but it has also created new challenges, such as job displacement and the need for workers to develop new skills.

➤ Researches are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?


The use of animals in research is a complex and controversial issue. On one hand, animal testing has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of biology, medicine, and many other fields, leading to the development of life-saving treatments and cures for diseases. On the other hand, animal testing raises ethical concerns, as animals can experience pain and suffering during experiments. Additionally, the results of animal tests may not always be applicable to humans, leading to unreliable conclusions. Many organizations and scientists are working to find alternatives to animal testing, such as computer models, tissue cultures, and human clinical trials. These methods are seen as more ethical, and they can often provide more accurate results, as they are directly applicable to human biology.In conclusion, while animal testing has been important in many scientific and medical breakthroughs, it is increasingly seen as a flawed and unethical method. The development and use of alternative methods should be encouraged, in order to promote more ethical and accurate scientific research.



今回は、セクション 2  から 3つの問題タイプについて説明します。



● Multiple-Choice (多項選択式)




  • Choose the correct letter, A,B or C. (文字を選ぶ)
  • Choose TWO letters A – E. (文字を選ぶ)
  • Circle the correct letters A – C. (文字に丸をつける)
  • Circle THREE Letters A – E. (文字に丸をつける)

スクリプト― 答えになる箇所に下線が引いてあります。


For the second in our series about locally-run businesses, we meet Simon Winridge, co-founder of the hugely-successful Winridge Forest Railway Park. Welcome, Simon. Now, perhaps you can begin by telling us a little bit about how it all started.


Well, during the 1970s, my wife, Liz and I had just acquired 80 acres of sheep-farming land, and we decided to settle down and have children. Pretty soon we had a daughter, Sarah, and a son, Duncan. The place was wonderful for the kids: they particularly loved trains and gradually built up an enormous network of miniature railway track. I began to develop larger-scale models of locomotives but we didn’t think anything more of it until Q11 I went on a trip to a theme park near Birmingham and decided we could do a much better job! So we set up a small one ourselves based on the miniature railway and Q12 we opened to the public for just a month that year, 1984 – in July – our driest month – because our children said they didn’t want our guests to have a miserable, wet visit. I dealt with Park business and Liz carried on with the farm work. It soon became clear that we were onto a winner. We began to extend the railway track and lay it among more interesting landscape by planting trees, which in turn at tracted more wildlife, and by making cuttings through the rock. Nowadays, we’re open all year round and we’re pleased to say that Winridge is one of the most popular visitor attractions in the area – with 50,000 visitors a year – Q13 a million and a half people have been through our doors since we opened.


● 設問は音源の内容と同じ順序で出題されることが多い

● 文全体が言い換えられている


選択肢:the weather was expected to be good

本文:  our children said they didn’t want our guests to have a miserable, wet visit

● 答えが複数ある場合がある
● 全ての選択肢について話される場合がある
● 選択肢が似ている
● 最初に聞こえるキーワードは間違いである確率が高い
● butとhoweverなどの逆説によるひっかけが多い

● Matching (組み合わせる)



Matching 問題では以下の解答指示文が出されますよくでる解答指示文

  • When did the following events take place ?
  • Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to questions 1- 4 .
  • Write the appropriate letters A – C against questions 1 – 4 .
  • What does lecture say about …. ?
  • Choose your answers from the box and write the correct letter A – G next to questions 21 – 24 .

スクリプト― 答えになる箇所に下線が引いてあります。

All these visitors mean we have had to expand our operation and it’s now a truly

family concern. I’m near to retirement age so Q14 I only concern myself with

looking after the mechanical side of things – keeping the trains going.Q15 Liz now

devotes all her energies to recruiting and supporting the large squadron of workers, which keep the place running smoothly. We’re really pleased that after some years away teaching, Q16 Sarah has now returned to the park and makes sure the visitors are kept fed and watered, which keeps her pretty busy as you can imagine. Our son,

Q17 Duncan. has been a stalwart of the park for the last ten years, taking over from me in the area of construction – and I’ll say a little bit more about that in a moment – and Q18 his new wife, Judith, has also joined the team in charge of retail. That’s becoming a tremendous growth area for us – a lot of people want to buy souvenirs.


● 20秒~30秒の準備内に選択肢に先読みし、目を通しておく必要があります

● 設問は音源の内容と同じ順序で出題されることが多い

● 文全体が言い換えられている


選択肢:engine maintenance

本文: mechanical side of things

選択肢: staffing

本文:  recruiting and supporting the large squadron of workers,

● Form Completion (フォーム記入問題)




スクリプト― 答えになる箇所に下線が引いてあります。


So have you finished your development of the site for the moment?


Not at all! We’re constantly looking for ways to offer more to our visitors. The railway remains the central feature and there”s now 1.2 kilometres of the line laid but we’d like to lay more. Because of the geology of the area, our greatest problem is digging tunnels. But we’re gradually overcoming that. We’re also very pleased with a new installation of Q19 the Go-Kart arena which is 120 square metres in area.  Again the problem is the geology; we had to level the mounds on the track for safety reasons. Q20 We wanted to enable 5-12 year olds to use the go-karts. And the main attraction here is the Formula 1 Kart. We’ve known fights to break out over who gets it! And then finally to our most recent development which is the landscaped …