
TOEFLスピーキング Perfect Master (Basic) Q 2 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 2 |学習ステップ|

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Basic)」 カリキュラムでは、

Question 2  対策として、比較的易しい様々なトピックを使い、


目標スコアー 61点(Speakingセクション 15点)を目指す受講者に適した


TOEFL初級者(例:英検準2級以下、TOEIC 500点以下)で

リスニングが苦手な方はリスニングのない「TOEFL特訓ゼミ Starter」



ステップ   1 解答の準備  自分の立場を示す

ステップ   2  理由、例   選択した「理由」「例、詳細」を書き出します

ステップ   3   スピーキング  上の情報を基に解答します。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  


Read and answer the question following each step


Some students like to study alone while others like  to study in groups. Which do you think is

STEP 1   |Preference 解答の準備| State your opinion

Study with groups

Example:   I like studying in groups better than studying alone.

Your  Opinion__________________________________________


To tell the truth, I really prefer studying in groups.

STEP 2   | Reason 理由 | 選択した理由を書き出す


❶ We can correct one another.

❷ We can explain the things that we do well to others.

Your Reasons

❶ ____________________________________________________



❶ They help me stay focused on what I am studying.

❷  They help me gain a wider perspective on the subject.

STEP 3  |Response 解答| Make your response using the above information.

Example :  I like studying in groups better than studying alone. First, when I am in a group, everyone can correct one another when we make mistakes. Second, we can explain the things that we do well to others. So, if I am good at something but some other members are not, I can explain it to them to help them understand.

Your Response _________________________________________________



STEP 4  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

To tell the truth, I really prefer studying in groups. As a matter of fact, I often have trouble focusing when I study alone. But, when I study in a group, I can focus much better. And another thing is that if you study in a group, you can hear more opinions about the subject at hand. So the group helps me gain a wider perspective on the issue I am studying.