
IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている! Topic Word

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Topic Word

Linking words and phrases 

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ

2つ目の評価基準は” Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ” です。




● Linking words and phrases 

   論理的でわかりやすい話の展開をするために、的確なLinking word と

phrases (繋ぎ語と熟語)が使われているかを試験官はチェックしています。

以下のLinking words and phrasesは必ず覚えて使えるようにしておきましょう。

● Topic vocabulary トピック別単語を知っているか



例えば、環境問題について話をするとき、climate change, pollution levels などの単語が




IELTS スピーキングで頻繁に出るトピックの例です。

  •   Music
  •   Environment
  •   Communication
  •   Art
  •   Education
  •   Shopping
  •   Sports
  •   Space 
  •   Transportation 
  •   Town and Cities
  •   Food
  •  Holiday
  •  Technology
  •  Clothes and Fashion
  •  Business 

Part2 サンプル問題  ~Music~

Describe a song you like to listen to

You should say

• What the piece of music is called

• How long you have liked it

• When you like to listen to it

And say why you like it so much.

ここでは、music のジャンル、classical, Rock, Reggae, Blues、Psychedelic



(Mystery novel, magazine, Gossip, fiction, non-fiction, Science fiction, Romance, Action, Adventure など)

その他 musical instrument, catchy tune, Lyrics, live music, smash hit なども覚えるといいでしょう。








Well, the word I want to describe it has just slipped my mind. (度忘れする), anyway, the tool to make musical sounds (musical instrument) と表現を変えて説明すればその場を切り抜けることができます。

IELTS スピーキング対策として、ライティングと同様に重要となってくる Topic-specific words


  Part 1 サンプル問題  ~ Environment  ~ 

試験官: Are there any environmental problems in your country?

受験者 A : Yes … we have a serious issue with pollution levels in some of our big cities …  exhaust fumes from cars and lorries are definitely one reason for the problem but we also have a lot of heavy industry in some areas and this also results in poor air quality  …

試験官 : Do you take an interest in nature?

受験者 B :  Well … I’m a city person through and through and don’t get back to nature very often I’m afraid … but like everyone else I’m fascinated by the natural world and I like watching documentaries showing wild animals in their natural habitat …

  • air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe
  • to become extinct: to no longer exist
  • to be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct
  • climate change: the change in worldwide weather patterns
  • to die out: see ‘to become extinct’
  • endangered species: categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct
  • energy conservation: the careful management of energy resources to ensure they last as long as possible
  • environmentally friendly: behaviour and products that do not harm the environment
  • exhaust fumes: the toxic gases given off by vehicles powered by petrol
  • flash floods: floods that happen quickly
  • fossil fuels: energy resources like gas and oil that are produced deep below the ground over millions of years
  • future generations: the people who live after us
  • to get back to nature: to live a life that is closer to nature
  • global warming: the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide
  • heavy industry: the manufacture of heavy articles and materials in large numbers
  • humanitarian aid: the act of showing support to people struggling to survive
  • impact on: the effect on
  • loss of habitat: the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist
  • man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life brought about by the action of humans
  • natural disaster: an event such as an earthquake,  flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life
  • natural environment: the place where animals and plants would normally be found in nature
  • the natural world: the world of nature
  • oil spill: waste usually deposited in the seas and oceans after an accident at sea
  • poaching: to hunt and kill wild animals illegally
  • pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste
  • pressure group: a group of people who try to raise awareness of issues and try to affect the views and actions of people and organisations
  • toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted rubbish often produced by industrial processes
  • wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats