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Topic Discussion for Daily- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name: Topic Discussion for Daily

▮ Level: Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate CEFR A2 to B1, EIKEN Grade 3 to Grade 2, TOEIC 400 to 700

▮ Number of Lessons: 50 Lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Features & Benefits of the Lessons

☑ Covers situations you are likely to encounter in daily life               ☑ Enables you to express your opinions and arguments in English on various topics   ☑ The lesson time will primarily focus on speaking about the topics

※ These topics cover situations that beginners are likely to encounter in their daily lives and provide students with opportunities to talk about themselves. This allows them to expand their vocabulary, practice grammar, and develop the ability to speak English with confidence.

▮ Lesson Activities

1. Read a short explanation about a topic
2. Learn five common expressions and vocabulary items used with the topic
3. Use expressions and vocabulary to create short sentences in English
4. Answer questions about the topic and then discuss it with the instructor

Lesson Course Table of Contents

Lesson 1. Your Dream Vacation (理想の休暇)
Lesson 2. A Day at the Park (公園での一日)
Lesson 3. Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)
Lesson 4. Shopping Experiences (ショッピングの経験)
Lesson 5. Family Traditions (家族の伝統)
Lesson 6. Best Friends (親友)
Lesson 7. Childhood Memories (子供の頃の思い出)
Lesson 8. Learning English (英語を学ぶこと)
Lesson 9. Your Ideal Job (理想の仕事)
Lesson 10. Movies You Love (好きな映画)
Lesson 11. Music and Bands (音楽とバンド)
Lesson 12. Sports You Play or Watch (するまたは見るスポーツ)
Lesson 13. Your Hometown (故郷について)
Lesson 14. Pets and Animals (ペットと動物)
Lesson 15. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)
Lesson 16. A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)
Lesson 17. A Memorable Trip (思い出深い旅行)
Lesson 18. Healthy Living (健康的な生活)
Lesson 19. Environmental Issues (環境問題)
Lesson 20. Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)
Lesson 21. Learning to Cook (料理を学ぶ)
Lesson 22. Public Transportation (公共交通)
Lesson 23. Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)
Lesson 24. A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)
Lesson 25. Plans for the Weekend (週末の計画)
Lesson 26. Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)
Lesson 27. Your First Job (最初の仕事)
Lesson 28. A Hobby You Want to Start (始めたい趣味)
Lesson 29. Places You Want to Visit (訪れたい場所)
Lesson 30. Languages You Want to Learn (学びたい言語)
Lesson 31. Favorite TV Shows (好きなテレビ番組)
Lesson 32. Using Social Media (ソーシャルメディアの使用)
Lesson 33. Staying Fit and Exercise (フィットネスと運動)
Lesson 34. Important Life Lessons (人生の大切な教訓)
Lesson 35. Your Role Models (あなたの手本)
Lesson 36. Traditional Dishes from Your Country (あなたの国の伝統料理)
Lesson 37. The Importance of Family (家族の重要性)
Lesson 38. Online Learning Experiences (オンライン学習の経験)
Lesson 39. Managing Stress (ストレスの管理)
Lesson 40. Future Technologies (未来の技術)
Lesson 41. The Joy of Cooking (料理の喜び)
Lesson 42. Volunteering and Helping Others (ボランティアと他人を助けること)
Lesson 43. School and Education (学校と教育)
Lesson 44. Cultural Differences (文化の違い)
Lesson 45. Art and Creativity (芸術と創造性)
Lesson 46. Traveling Abroad (海外旅行)
Lesson 47. Personal Growth (個人の成長)
Lesson 48. Celebrating Successes (成功を祝う)
Lesson 49. Overcoming Challenges (課題を乗り越える)
Lesson 50. Dreams and Ambitions (夢と野望)





< 2024年2月開始 レッスンコース >

Topic Discussion for Intermediate & Advance  社会問題で自分の意見を伝えるスキル! 

DESCRIBE THE PICTURE (Intermediate) 写真描写   即興スピーキング能力の向上!

TOEIC Speaking Course 2 ― 問題形式別 (Course 1 と問題は異なります)

● Read a text aloud (音読問題)

● Describe a picture (写真描写問題)

● Respond to questions (応答問題)

● Respond to questions using information provided (提示された情報に基づく応答問題

● Express an opinion (意見を述べる問題

TOEIC Writing Course 2 ― 問題形式別 (Course 1 と問題は異なります)

 ● Write a sentence based on a picture (写真描写問題)   

 ● Respond to a written request (Eメール作成問題)     

 ● Write an opinion essay   (意見を記述する問題)  

TOEFL iBT 4科目を同時に受講する方法 現在Speaking受講中

TOEFL iBT 4科目を受講いただくためにご提案させていただきます。

Multi Account (複数科目同時受講アカウント)ご利用方法

Lesson 50. Dreams and Ambitions (夢と野望)

Lesson 50.  Dreams and Ambitions (夢と野望)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Dreams and ambitions drive us forward, giving us goals to aim for and motivating us to overcome obstacles. They can be as varied as our personalities, from aspiring to achieve career milestones to wanting to travel the world or learn new skills. Discussing our dreams and ambitions can inspire us to take action and support each other in our pursuits.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My dream is to…
2. I aspire to become…
3. One of my ambitions is…
4. To achieve my dream, I plan to…
5. A goal I’m working towards is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My dream is to travel to every continent.
2. I aspire to become a successful entrepreneur.
3. One of my ambitions is to learn to play the piano.
4. To achieve my dream, I plan to save a portion of my income every month for travel.
5. A goal I’m working towards is getting my master’s degree.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your dreams and ambitions. Share what you aspire to achieve, how you plan to reach these goals, and any steps you’ve already taken. Encourage others to share their dreams and discuss any challenges they anticipate. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your aspirations and the motivation behind them.

This lesson plan encourages students to articulate their future goals and the steps they plan to take to achieve them. It aims to build vocabulary related to personal and professional development, fostering a classroom environment where students can inspire and learn from each other’s aspirations.

Lesson 49. Overcoming Challenges (課題を乗り越える)

Lesson 49.  Overcoming Challenges (課題を乗り越える)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Life is full of challenges, but facing and overcoming them is a crucial part of personal growth and development. Whether these challenges are big or small, learning to navigate through them builds resilience, confidence, and a sense of achievement. Sharing stories of overcoming challenges can inspire others and provide valuable strategies for dealing with difficult situations.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I faced a challenge when…
2. One strategy I used to overcome this was…
3. A difficult obstacle for me was…
4. The support I received during this time was…
5. Overcoming this challenge taught me…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I faced a challenge when I moved to a new city for work.
2. One strategy I used to overcome this was joining local clubs to meet new people.
3. A difficult obstacle for me was learning a new language.
4. The support I received during this time was invaluable, especially from my language tutor.
5. Overcoming this challenge taught me the importance of persistence and flexibility.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it. Describe the situation, the strategies you used, any support you received, and what you learned from the experience. Encourage others to share their stories of overcoming challenges and what lessons they took away from those experiences. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to guide your discussion.

※ This lesson plan is designed to foster a supportive and motivational atmosphere in the classroom, encouraging students to share personal experiences of resilience and determination. It aims to build vocabulary related to problem-solving and personal development, while also teaching valuable life skills such as persistence, adaptability, and the importance of seeking and offering support.

Lesson 48. Celebrating Successes (成功を祝う)

Lesson 48.  Celebrating Successes (成功を祝う)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Celebrating successes, big or small, is important in our lives. It helps to recognize our achievements and the effort we’ve put into reaching our goals. Celebrations can motivate us and others, boost our self-esteem, and provide joy and satisfaction. Sharing our successes with others allows us to spread positivity and encourages a supportive community where achievements are acknowledged and valued.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I’m proud of myself for…
2. One of my recent achievements is…
3. To celebrate, I…
4. Sharing my success with…
5. This achievement motivates me to…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I’m proud of myself for passing my English exam.
2. One of my recent achievements is finishing a marathon.
3. To celebrate, I went out for dinner with my family.
4. Sharing my success with my friends made it even more special.
5. This achievement motivates me to set even higher goals for myself.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a success you have recently celebrated or are proud of. Describe what the achievement was, how you reached it, and how you celebrated it. Share how this success has impacted you and what goals you have set for the future. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your feelings of pride and motivation.

※ This lesson plan is designed to inspire students to share their personal achievements and the ways in which they celebrate these milestones. It encourages the use of past tense to describe achievements and future tense for upcoming goals, fostering a positive and motivational atmosphere for language learning.

Lesson 47. Personal Growth (個人の成長)

Lesson 47.  Personal Growth (個人の成長)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Personal growth involves developing oneself emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. It encompasses learning new skills, overcoming challenges, and making positive changes in one’s life. Engaging in personal growth can lead to increased self-awareness, improved relationships, and a more fulfilling life. Sharing our experiences of personal growth can inspire others and provide insights into the diverse paths of self-improvement.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I have grown by…
2. A challenge I’ve overcome is…
3. To improve myself, I…
4. A goal I’m working towards is…
5. One thing I’ve learned about myself is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I have grown by learning to communicate more effectively.
2. A challenge I’ve overcome is my fear of public speaking.
3. To improve myself, I’ve started a daily meditation practice.
4. A goal I’m working towards is learning a new language.
5. One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I am more resilient than I thought.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your journey of personal growth. Share experiences where you have learned something new about yourself, achieved a personal goal, or overcome a challenge. Talk about the strategies you use for self-improvement and any future goals you have set. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to articulate your experiences and insights into personal development.

※ This lesson plan is designed to encourage students to reflect on and share their personal growth experiences, promoting a classroom environment that values self-improvement and resilience. It aims to build vocabulary related to personal development and encourage the use of past and future tenses when discussing past achievements and future aspirations.

Lesson 46. Traveling Abroad (海外旅行)

Lesson 46.  Traveling Abroad (海外旅行)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Traveling abroad opens up a world of experiences, exposing us to new cultures, languages, and landscapes. It can be an adventure that broadens our horizons and deepens our understanding of the world. From planning the trip to navigating new places, each step of the journey offers opportunities for learning and growth. Sharing travel stories can inspire others and provide practical advice for those looking to explore the world.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. When I travel abroad, I like to…
2. Before going on a trip, I always…
3. One challenge of traveling abroad is…
4. A tip for international travel is…
5. My favorite part of traveling is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. When I travel abroad, I like to try local foods.
2. Before going on a trip, I always research cultural norms and useful phrases.
3. One challenge of traveling abroad is dealing with language barriers.
4. A tip for international travel is to keep digital copies of your important documents.
5. My favorite part of traveling is meeting new people and learning about their lives.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your experiences or aspirations related to traveling abroad. Share tips you have learned or would recommend for international travel, including how to prepare and what to expect. Talk about any challenges you have faced and how you overcame them. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts and encourage a spirit of adventure.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to engage with the exciting topic of international travel, providing a platform for practicing language related to journeys, cultural exploration, and personal development. It’s designed to inspire curiosity about the world and foster a supportive environment for sharing travel experiences and advice.

Lesson 45. Art and Creativity (芸術と創造性)

Lesson 45.  Art and Creativity (芸術と創造性)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Art and creativity play a crucial role in human expression, allowing us to share our perspectives, emotions, and experiences in unique ways. Through various forms of art, such as painting, music, literature, and dance, we can explore our creativity, connect with others, and understand the world around us. Discussing art and creativity not only enhances our appreciation for the arts but also encourages us to discover our own creative outlets.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I find inspiration in…
2. My favorite form of art is…
3. I enjoy creating…
4. Art helps me to…
5. A piece of art that speaks to me is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I find inspiration in nature and the changing seasons.
2. My favorite form of art is watercolor painting because of its fluidity and unpredictability.
3. I enjoy creating short stories that explore different aspects of life.
4. Art helps me to express emotions that are hard to put into words.
5. A piece of art that speaks to me is Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” because of its emotional depth and use of color.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your relationship with art and creativity. Share what forms of art you enjoy, any creative hobbies you have, and how art impacts your life. Talk about a piece of art that is significant to you and why. If you create art, describe what motivates you and what you aim to express through your work. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to articulate your thoughts and experiences.

※ This lesson plan is designed to encourage students to explore and share their experiences with art and creativity. It aims to build vocabulary related to artistic expression and to foster a classroom environment where students feel comfortable expressing their individual perspectives and creative interests.

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