
Lesson 16. A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)

Lesson 16.  A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Books have the power to transport us to different worlds, introduce us to new ideas, and challenge our perceptions. Whether it’s a gripping novel, an enlightening non-fiction, or a beautiful collection of poetry, reading enriches our minds and spirits. Sharing about a book you’ve read not only allows you to reflect on what you’ve learned or experienced but also invites others to discover new stories and knowledge. It’s a wonderful way to connect over shared interests and inspire each other to explore the vast world of literature.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I recently read…
2. My favorite book is…
3. This book taught me…
4. A character I really related to is…
5. One interesting theme in this book is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I recently read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, and it inspired me to follow my dreams.
2. My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” because it deals with themes of justice and empathy.
3. This book taught me the importance of perseverance and self-belief.
4. A character I really related to is Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice” because of her wit and independence.
5. One interesting theme in this book is the concept of time travel and its implications on fate and free will.
▮ Discussion Instructions:

Discuss a book you’ve recently read or one that has had a significant impact on you. Share the title, the author, and a brief summary of the plot. Explain what you learned from the book, how it made you feel, and why it stands out to you. If there are any characters or themes you found particularly compelling, share your thoughts on those as well. This is an opportunity to delve into the insights and emotions that reading can provoke and to recommend books that have touched your life.