
Lesson 24. A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)

Lesson 24.  A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Gifts are a universal way to show appreciation, love, and thoughtfulness. A special gift doesn’t have to be expensive; it’s often the meaning behind it that counts. Whether it’s for a birthday, a holiday, or just a simple gesture, giving and receiving gifts can create lasting memories and strengthen relationships.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I received a… from…
2. The best gift I ever got was…
3. I gave… to… for…
4. It was special because…
5. This gift reminds me of…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I received a handmade scarf from my grandmother.
2. The best gift I ever got was a book signed by my favorite author.
3. I gave a photo album to my friend for her birthday.
4. It was special because it had pictures of all our adventures together.
5. This gift reminds me of the summer we spent at the lake.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a special gift you have given or received. Describe the gift, who gave it to you or who you gave it to, and the occasion. Explain why the gift was special and how it made you feel. Share any particular memories associated with this gift.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to use English to share personal stories and emotions related to the theme of giving and receiving gifts. It helps build vocabulary related to gifts and celebrations, while practicing narrative skills in a meaningful context.

Lesson 23. Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)

Lesson 23.  Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Everyone has their daily routine, a set of activities they do from morning to night. These routines can include waking up, going to work or school, eating meals, and enjoying leisure activities. Sharing about your daily routine can help you learn useful vocabulary and practice talking about habits and time in English.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I wake up at…
2. I go to bed at…
3. Before I leave home, I always…
4. I spend my evenings…
5. On the weekends, I like to…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I wake up at 7 a.m. and make breakfast.
2. I go to bed at 11 p.m. after reading a book.
3. Before I leave home, I always check my emails.
4. I spend my evenings watching TV or chatting with friends.
5. On the weekends, I like to go for a hike or visit family.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your daily routine. Describe what you do from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. Include details about how you prepare for your day, your work or study routine, how you spend your free time, and any special activities you do on the weekends. Try to use the common phrases and vocabulary related to time and activities.

※ This lesson plan is designed to help beginner students talk about their daily lives, using simple and common phrases. It encourages students to practice speaking about habitual actions and preferences, which are fundamental topics in learning any language.

Lesson 22. Public Transportation (公共交通)

Lesson 22.  Public Transportation (公共交通)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways, is essential for city life. It allows people to travel easily from one place to another without the need for a personal vehicle. Using public transportation can be more economical and environmentally friendly. It’s also a great way to observe local life and meet people.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I usually take the…
2. The best way to get to… is by…
3. During rush hour, it’s better to…
4. You need to buy a ticket before…
5. Make sure to check the…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I usually take the subway to work.
2. The best way to get to the museum is by bus.
3. During rush hour, it’s better to avoid the main train lines.
4. You need to buy a ticket before boarding the tram.
5. Make sure to check the schedule before you leave.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the public transportation system in your city or a city you have visited. Describe what types of public transportation are available, how often you use them, and any tips for someone new to using them. Share any interesting experiences you’ve had while using public transportation.

※ This lesson plan includes basic concepts and phrases related to public transportation, which are accessible for beginner learners. It encourages students to share personal experiences and practical advice, making the learning process more interactive and engaging.

ネイティブのリアル英語    bored out of one’s mind 退屈でたまらない


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語  bored out of one’s mind 退屈でたまらない


アメリカでは  ”I’m bored out of my mind” といいます。

out of my mind = 気が狂う、といった意味なので「気が狂うほど退屈している」


you are out of your mind」というフレーズが、侮辱としてよく使われます。

You are completely out of your mind


ちなみに、「drunk out of your mind」は「とても酔っている」という意味になります。

He got drunk out of his mind.


bored out of one’s mind  退屈でたまらない」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I was bored out of my mind during the lecture! I couldn’t wait for it to end!


 I was terribly bored during the lecture! I couldn’t wait for it to end!


 I w’z bored oudda my min’ during the lecture! I couldn’ wait for it ta end!

bore を使ったその他のイディオム

1. Bored to tears / Bored to death :死ぬほど退屈している / 涙が出るほど退屈している

I was bored to tears at that lecture yesterday.

2. Bore the pants off someone:誰かをひどく退屈させる

His speech bored the pants off me.

3. Bore someone to bits:誰かを極度に退屈させる

The movie was so long and uninteresting, it bored me to bits.

4. Not to be bored with:〜にうんざりしていない、〜に飽きていない

Even after many years, I’m not bored with this view.

5. To bore a hole in someone’s head:誰かの頭に穴をあける(非常にうるさいか退屈させることによって)

His constant complaining is enough to bore a hole in someone’s head.


to be very bored

Lesson 21. Learning to Cook (料理を学ぶ)

Lesson 21.  Learning to Cook (料理を学ぶ)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Learning to cook is a valuable skill that serves not just as a means to feed oneself but also as an art form that brings people together. It involves understanding ingredients, mastering techniques, and exploring flavors from around the world. Whether you’re cooking a simple meal for yourself or preparing a feast for your loved ones, the act of cooking can be incredibly rewarding and therapeutic. Sharing experiences and tips about learning to cook can inspire others to start their culinary journey and discover the joy of creating delicious dishes.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I started learning to cook because…
2. One cooking tip I’ve learned is…
3. My favorite dish to cook is…
4. A challenging part of cooking for me is…
5. I enjoy experimenting with…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I started learning to cook because I wanted to eat healthier meals.
2. One cooking tip I’ve learned is to always taste your food as you cook.
3. My favorite dish to cook is chicken curry because it’s flavorful and comforting.
4. A challenging part of cooking for me is getting the timing right for multiple dishes.
5. I enjoy experimenting with spices to see how they change the flavor of a dish.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your experience with learning to cook. Share why you started, what you enjoy about cooking, and any challenges you’ve faced. Talk about your favorite dishes to prepare and any special tips or tricks you’ve discovered. If you’ve had any cooking disasters, feel free to share those stories as well—it’s all part of the learning process. This is an opportunity to exchange culinary knowledge and encourage others to develop their cooking skills.

Lesson 20. Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)

Lesson 20.  Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Festivals and celebrations are essential parts of human culture, reflecting the values, traditions, and history of societies around the world. They range from religious and seasonal festivities to personal celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. These events are times for joy, reflection, and community, offering a break from the routine of daily life. Discussing festivals and celebrations can open windows to understanding different cultures and sharing the universal joy of festivity. It’s a way to learn about the diversity of human expression and the things that bring us together.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. One of the biggest festivals in my country is…
2. We celebrate… by…
3. A unique tradition during this festival is…
4. My favorite celebration is… because…
5. During… we typically eat/drink…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. One of the biggest festivals in my country is Diwali, the festival of lights.
2. We celebrate New Year’s Eve by watching fireworks and making resolutions.
3. A unique tradition during this festival is jumping over a bonfire to symbolize purification.
4. My favorite celebration is Thanksgiving because it’s a time to express gratitude and enjoy a meal with family.
5. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, we typically eat mooncakes and admire the full moon.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your favorite festivals and celebrations, including how they are celebrated in your country or family. Share what makes these events special to you and any unique traditions or foods associated with them. If you’ve experienced a festival from another culture that you found interesting or enjoyable, share that experience as well. This is an opportunity to celebrate the rich tapestry of human culture and the many ways we find to come together and enjoy life’s milestones.

Lesson 19. Environmental Issues (環境問題)

Lesson 19.  Environmental Issues (環境問題)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Environmental issues are increasingly important in today’s world as they impact not only the planet but also the health and well-being of its inhabitants. From climate change and global warming to pollution and deforestation, the challenges are vast and interconnected. Raising awareness and discussing these issues can lead to better understanding and action towards sustainability and conservation. It’s crucial for everyone to consider how their actions affect the environment and what steps can be taken to reduce our ecological footprint.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. Climate change is causing…
2. One way to reduce pollution is…
3. Conserving water can be done by…
4. Recycling helps to…
5. A major environmental issue I’m concerned about is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. Climate change is causing more extreme weather patterns around the world.
2. One way to reduce pollution is by using public transportation or carpooling.
3. Conserving water can be done by fixing leaks and taking shorter showers.
4. Recycling helps to reduce waste in landfills and conserve natural resources.
5. A major environmental issue I’m concerned about is the loss of biodiversity due to deforestation.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss environmental issues that concern you the most and why. Share any actions you take to help protect the environment, such as recycling, conserving water, or reducing energy consumption. Talk about changes you’ve noticed in your local environment and how they might relate to broader environmental challenges. If you know any innovative solutions or initiatives aimed at addressing these issues, share those as well. This is an opportunity to explore how each of us can contribute to a healthier planet and a sustainable future.

Lesson 18. Healthy Living (健康的な生活)

Lesson 18.  Healthy Living (健康的な生活)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Healthy living is about making choices that benefit your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It encompasses a variety of aspects including balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, sufficient rest, and stress management. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can enhance your quality of life and increase your longevity. Discussing healthy living habits can provide motivation, share knowledge, and offer support to others trying to make positive changes. It’s a way to explore different approaches to well-being and to understand how our daily habits impact our health.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. To stay healthy, I…
2. One healthy habit I’ve adopted is…
3. A challenge I face with healthy living is…
4. I find that… helps me relax and de-stress.
5. Eating… is part of my healthy diet.

▮ Example Sentences:
1. To stay healthy, I make sure to walk at least 10,000 steps a day.
2. One healthy habit I’ve adopted is drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning.
3. A challenge I face with healthy living is finding time to prepare nutritious meals.
4. I find that practicing yoga helps me relax and de-stress.
5. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is part of my healthy diet.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your approach to healthy living. Share the habits you’ve adopted to maintain your health and any challenges you’ve encountered. Talk about the activities you enjoy that contribute to your well-being and how you manage stress. If you have any tips for eating healthily or staying active, share those as well. This is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of health in our lives and to inspire each other with practical ideas for living well.

Lesson 17. A Memorable Trip (思い出深い旅行)

Lesson 17.  A Memorable Trip (思い出深い旅行)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Traveling to new places offers us the chance to explore the unknown, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s a journey to another country, a visit to a historic site, or a relaxing vacation by the sea, each trip has the potential to be an unforgettable adventure. Sharing stories about a memorable trip can inspire others to explore the world and provide insights into unique destinations and experiences. It’s a way to relive the excitement and joy of travel and to connect with others over shared wanderlust.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I’ll never forget when I visited…
2. The most amazing part of the trip was…
3. One memorable experience was…
4. This trip changed my perspective on…
5. I was really surprised by…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I’ll never forget when I visited the Great Wall of China; the history and scale of it were awe-inspiring.
2. The most amazing part of the trip was snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef and seeing the vibrant marine life.
3. One memorable experience was trying street food in Bangkok; each dish was a burst of flavors.
4. This trip changed my perspective on the importance of sustainable travel.
5. I was really surprised by the hospitality and friendliness of the locals in a small village in Italy.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a trip that left a lasting impression on you. Share where you went, what made the trip memorable, and any specific experiences or encounters that stood out. Explain how the trip influenced your views or feelings about a place, culture, or travel in general. If there were any surprises or lessons learned along the way, share those as well. This is an opportunity to reflect on the transformative power of travel and the stories that shape our adventures.

Lesson 16. A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)

Lesson 16.  A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Books have the power to transport us to different worlds, introduce us to new ideas, and challenge our perceptions. Whether it’s a gripping novel, an enlightening non-fiction, or a beautiful collection of poetry, reading enriches our minds and spirits. Sharing about a book you’ve read not only allows you to reflect on what you’ve learned or experienced but also invites others to discover new stories and knowledge. It’s a wonderful way to connect over shared interests and inspire each other to explore the vast world of literature.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I recently read…
2. My favorite book is…
3. This book taught me…
4. A character I really related to is…
5. One interesting theme in this book is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I recently read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, and it inspired me to follow my dreams.
2. My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” because it deals with themes of justice and empathy.
3. This book taught me the importance of perseverance and self-belief.
4. A character I really related to is Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice” because of her wit and independence.
5. One interesting theme in this book is the concept of time travel and its implications on fate and free will.
▮ Discussion Instructions:

Discuss a book you’ve recently read or one that has had a significant impact on you. Share the title, the author, and a brief summary of the plot. Explain what you learned from the book, how it made you feel, and why it stands out to you. If there are any characters or themes you found particularly compelling, share your thoughts on those as well. This is an opportunity to delve into the insights and emotions that reading can provoke and to recommend books that have touched your life.