
Lesson 18. Healthy Living (健康的な生活)

Lesson 18.  Healthy Living (健康的な生活)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Healthy living is about making choices that benefit your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It encompasses a variety of aspects including balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, sufficient rest, and stress management. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can enhance your quality of life and increase your longevity. Discussing healthy living habits can provide motivation, share knowledge, and offer support to others trying to make positive changes. It’s a way to explore different approaches to well-being and to understand how our daily habits impact our health.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. To stay healthy, I…
2. One healthy habit I’ve adopted is…
3. A challenge I face with healthy living is…
4. I find that… helps me relax and de-stress.
5. Eating… is part of my healthy diet.

▮ Example Sentences:
1. To stay healthy, I make sure to walk at least 10,000 steps a day.
2. One healthy habit I’ve adopted is drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning.
3. A challenge I face with healthy living is finding time to prepare nutritious meals.
4. I find that practicing yoga helps me relax and de-stress.
5. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is part of my healthy diet.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your approach to healthy living. Share the habits you’ve adopted to maintain your health and any challenges you’ve encountered. Talk about the activities you enjoy that contribute to your well-being and how you manage stress. If you have any tips for eating healthily or staying active, share those as well. This is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of health in our lives and to inspire each other with practical ideas for living well.