
Lesson 5. Family Traditions (家族の伝統)

Lesson 5.  Family Traditions (家族の伝統)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Family traditions are the rituals, practices, and beliefs handed down from generation to generation. They play a significant role in shaping our identity and sense of belonging. These traditions can vary widely from family to family and culture to culture, encompassing holidays, celebrations, daily routines, and even the way we greet or say goodbye to each other. Talking about family traditions is a wonderful way to learn about diverse backgrounds and share the values that are important to us.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. In my family, we always…
2. One tradition we have is…
3. Every year, we…
4. A special tradition in my family involves…
5. My favorite family tradition is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. In my family, we always have a big dinner together on Sunday nights.
2. One tradition we have is going apple picking every fall.
3. Every year, we celebrate the New Year by writing down our wishes and hopes.
4. A special tradition in my family involves baking cookies together on Christmas Eve.
5. My favorite family tradition is the storytelling night we hold every summer under the stars.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the traditions your family holds dear. Explain how these traditions started, if you know, and why they are important to you and your family. Share how these traditions make you feel and any particular memories associated with them. If there are any traditions you would like to start in your family, feel free to share those ideas as well.