
Lesson 26. Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)

Lesson 26.

Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Everyone has a favorite season, each with its own charm and set of activities. Some may love the warmth and outdoor activities of summer, while others prefer the cozy, indoor life during winter. Discussing your favorite season can reveal a lot about your preferences and lifestyle, and it’s a great way to practice descriptive language and reasons in English.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My favorite season is…
2. I love… because…
3. One thing I enjoy about… is…
4. … is the best time for…
5. The weather is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My favorite season is autumn.
2. I love spring because of the flowers blooming.
3. One thing I enjoy about winter is drinking hot cocoa by the fire.
4. Summer is the best time for swimming and outdoor barbecues.
5. The weather in fall is perfect for hiking and enjoying the changing leaves.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your favorite season and explain why you like it. Describe the weather, activities, and any festivals or holidays you enjoy during this season. Try to use the vocabulary and phrases introduced in this lesson. If you have photos or memories associated with this season, feel free to share them.

※ This lesson encourages students to explore and articulate their preferences using a range of descriptive language and reasons. It’s an opportunity to practice speaking skills in a structured yet personal context, allowing for both vocabulary development and cultural exchange.