Lesson 63 Dogeza
Topic Question: What is dogeza?
▮ Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about the cultural significance and the context in which dogeza is performed in Japan.
▮ Sample Answer
“Dogeza is a traditional Japanese form of deep apology or request, which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing deeply until one’s forehead touches the floor. It symbolizes extreme regret or the earnestness of a request, showing a high level of respect and humility.”
▮ Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer
Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly
- Apology (謝罪): An expression of regret for having caused inconvenience or harm.
- Kneeling (ひざまずく): The action of staying in a position in which the body is supported on a knee or knees, as a sign of respect.
- Bowing (お辞儀): Bending the body or head forward as a sign of respect.
- Regret (後悔): A feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.
- Earnestness (真剣さ): Serious intention or effort.
▮ Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer
- What does dogeza involve physically?
- In what situations is dogeza typically performed?
- How does dogeza express one’s feelings?
▮ Mastering Middle School English Grammar:
the oldest the most expensive

The superlative form is -est (oldest) or most … (most expensive).
Short words (old/cheap/nice, etc.)→the -est
old→the oldest cheap→the cheapest
but good→the best bad→the worst
Words ending in -y (easy/heavy, etc.)→the -iest:
nice→the nicest heavy→the heaviest pretty→the prettiest
Long words (careful/ expensive/interesting, etc.)→the most . . . :
careful→the most careful interesting→the most interesting
We say the oldest … I the most expensive …, etc. (with the).
● The church is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
(= it is older than all the other buildings)
● Money is important, but it isn’t the most important thing in life.
You can use the oldest / the best / the most expensive, etc. without a noun:
● Ken is a good player, but he isn’t the best on the team.
(the best = the best player)
You can use superlati11e + I’ve ever … / you’ve ever …, etc.:
● The movie was very bad. I think it’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen.
● What is the most unusual thing you’ve ever done?
Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:
- Dogeza is considered one of the most sincere forms of apology in Japanese culture.
- This tradition may not be the oldest in Japan, but it’s among the most respected.
- The gesture of dogeza is seen as the most humble way to express apology or request.
Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself: