
Lesson 20. Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)

Lesson 20.  Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Festivals and celebrations are essential parts of human culture, reflecting the values, traditions, and history of societies around the world. They range from religious and seasonal festivities to personal celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. These events are times for joy, reflection, and community, offering a break from the routine of daily life. Discussing festivals and celebrations can open windows to understanding different cultures and sharing the universal joy of festivity. It’s a way to learn about the diversity of human expression and the things that bring us together.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. One of the biggest festivals in my country is…
2. We celebrate… by…
3. A unique tradition during this festival is…
4. My favorite celebration is… because…
5. During… we typically eat/drink…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. One of the biggest festivals in my country is Diwali, the festival of lights.
2. We celebrate New Year’s Eve by watching fireworks and making resolutions.
3. A unique tradition during this festival is jumping over a bonfire to symbolize purification.
4. My favorite celebration is Thanksgiving because it’s a time to express gratitude and enjoy a meal with family.
5. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, we typically eat mooncakes and admire the full moon.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your favorite festivals and celebrations, including how they are celebrated in your country or family. Share what makes these events special to you and any unique traditions or foods associated with them. If you’ve experienced a festival from another culture that you found interesting or enjoyable, share that experience as well. This is an opportunity to celebrate the rich tapestry of human culture and the many ways we find to come together and enjoy life’s milestones.