
TOEIC Speaking「Respond to questions using information provided」 Sample Question & 対策法

<Sample Information>


Date: May 27
Location : Bristol Office Building

Seminars :

9:00 AM. “Financing your Business”, Room 210 -Narthe Ross. Certified Public

11:00 AM. “How to Promote Your Own Business.” Room 312-Howard Brown
11:00 AM. Planning for Profit. Room 318-John Phillipe Associates
1:00 PM. Lunch*
2:00 PM. Sales Techniques Workshop, Room 246-Hellen King, West Side
4:00 PM. General Discussion

Registration Fee: Individuals $95.00

Members of the Business Information Center. $75.00

  • Not include in registration fee

<Sample Question>


Question 1
Hello, I’m calling about a conference on May 27. I saw advertised in the newspaper. It’s about starting your own business. I was hoping you could give me some information.

Could you tell me what time the conference starts and how long it will last?

Question 2
How much does conference attendance cost?

Question 3
I may not be available for the full day. Could you give me information about the activities in the morning, before lunchtime?


パソコン画面に資料が表示されてから、受講者はこの資料に目を通す時間を45秒間与えられます。45秒後、3つの質問に解答します。解答時間は、1問目と2問目は3秒準備時間の後15秒間で解答します。 3問目は2回音声を聞き、3秒間準備時間の後30秒間で解答します。1問目と2問目は、資料に関して「いつ、どこで、誰が、何をするのか」といった基本的な内容をを1,2点たずねられます。簡潔に的確に解答できれば大丈夫です。そして3問目は、解答の該当箇所が複数あったり、例外事項があったりと、少々複雑な内容についてたずねられます。いずれも、素早く資料の詳細部分まで読み込んで、その内容を要約して伝えることが必要です。

Question7-9 「提示された情報に基づく応答問題」では、相手の質問を「聞き」、短時間で資料を「読み」、情報を相手に「伝える」という作業をほとんど同時に行います。また、電話での対応という設定上、解答を準備する時間もないので、素早く的確に解答することが要求されます。非常に複雑な問題に聞こえるかもしれませんが、それぞれポイントを押さえることで焦らず解答できるようになります。









TIPS (対策)






● Where
● When/What time
● Who
● Which
● How
● How much
● How long
● How many


● I’d like to know ~
● Could you tell me ~?
● Could you give me ~?

● 「~はどうしたらいいですか?」






目的-英検 テスト履歴なし-無料体験予約がこれからの方 (スカイプ)




受講目的:      EIKEN Grade 1

テスコスコア履歴:  記載なし



レッスン開始5分前には、ご登録のスカイプ アカウントでサインインして、講師からのコンタクトリクエストを承認し、スカイプコールをお待ちください。









体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:EIKEN Grade 1 Writing Class(英字で入力してください。)






2科目(例:Speaking, Writing)を同時に受講する方法



受講目的(EIKEN Grade 1 )ご入力ありがとうございました。




TOEIC Speaking 2 「Express an opinion 」- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Lesson Course Name:   TOEIC Speaking 2 ‘Express an Opinion’

▮ Number of Lessons:   40 Lessons (40 Questions) (Please take as many as you need)

    Standard Required Time: 1~2 Questions = 25 minutes (1 lesson)

▮ Materials:   Original materials,   Sample questions, and answer

※ The instructor will share the materials on the screen during the lesson. No pre-study is required.

▮ Test Content: This part involves expressing your opinion and the reasons for that opinion on a given theme.
Response time: 60 seconds (Preparation time: 45 seconds)

▮ Lesson Overview

The instructor provides the materials (questions) at the beginning of the lesson, allowing students to start without any prior preparation.
The instructor will correct and advise based on the participant’s answers, and together they will create model answers.
Participants prepare their answers for the question in 45 seconds. They will then provide their own thought-out answers without strictly sticking to 60 seconds. Depending on the participant’s level, the instructor may provide support and corrections during the answer to create a model answer. Finally, a model answer is stated in 60 seconds to conclude.”

TOEIC Speaking 2 「Express an opinion 」- Sample Question & Answer

Directions : In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allowed . You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.

Some people prefer to take a job that does not pay well but does provide a lot of time off fromwork. What is your opinion about taking a job with a low salary that has a lot of vacation time?
Give reasons for your opinion

Sample answer

In my opinion, taking a job with a low salary but offering a lot of vacation time can be highly beneficial, depending on one’s lifestyle and priorities. For individuals who value experiences over material possessions, the additional free time allows for personal development, pursuing hobbies, and traveling, which are invaluable experiences that contribute to one’s happiness and well-being.

Moreover, having ample vacation time can significantly reduce stress and burnout, leading to a better work-life balance. This is crucial in maintaining mental health and ensuring long-term job satisfaction. In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of mental health cannot be overstated, and having the opportunity to decompress and rejuvenate is a privilege that not many jobs offer.

However, it’s essential to consider financial stability. If the low salary still meets one’s basic needs and allows for a comfortable life, then the trade-off for more vacation time might be worth it. Ultimately, the decision should align with one’s life goals and values. For me, the chance to enrich my life with diverse experiences and maintain my mental health outweighs the benefits of a higher salary with less free time.

TOEIC Speaking 2 「Express an opinion (意見を述べる問題)」

English Site

▮ レッスン コース名 : TOEIC Speaking 2 「Express an opinion 」

▮ レッスン数 : 40レッスン (40 Questions) (必要な分だけ受講してください)

          標準必要時間:1~2 Question =25分(1レッスン)

▮ 教材:  オリジナル教材  教材(問題)  サンプル問題と解答例

       ※ 教材はレッスン中に講師が画面共有で提示します。予習は必要ありません

▮ テスト内容: あるテーマについて、自分の意見とその理由を述べる問題です。
         解答時間 60秒 (準備時間 45秒)

▮ レッスンの概要 


TOEIC Speaking 2 「Respond to questions」-English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Lesson Course Name:   TOEIC Speaking 2 ‘Respond to questions’

▮ Number of Lessons:   40 Lessons (40 Questions) (Please take as many as you need)

            Standard Required Time: 1~2 Questions = 25 minutes (1 lesson)

▮ Materials:    Original materials,   sample questions, and model answers

       ※ The instructor will share the materials on screen during the lesson. No pre-study is required.

▮ Test Content: Settings such as answering interviews about familiar issues, or answering questions in a telephone conversation.

After hearing each question, you will have 3 seconds to prepare. The response time for questions 5 and 6 is 15 seconds, and for question 7 is 30 seconds.

▮ Lesson Overview

The instructor will provide the teaching materials (questions) at the beginning of the lesson, so students can start the lesson without any prior preparation.

The instructor will provide corrections and advice based on the students’ answers, and together they will create model answers.

Students will have 0 seconds to prepare an answer to the question. Students will be able to provide their own answers in 15 seconds for Q1 and Q2, and 30 seconds for Q3.

Depending on the level of the student, the instructor will add support and corrections during the answer to create a model answer.

Finally, students will give a model answer in 15 seconds for Q1 and Q2, and 30 seconds for Q3.

TOEIC Speaking 2「Respond to questions」- Sample Question & Answer

Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. You will have three seconds to prepare after you hear each Question. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Question 5 and 6 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 7.

Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country. You
have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about video games online.

Question 1 : When was the last time you played video games online? What did you

Question 2 : Do you prefer to play video games online alone or with others?

Question 3 : Do you tend to read instructions before playing a video game online?

Sample Anwer

Question 1: The last time I played video games online was about a week ago. I played ‘League of Legends’, which is a multiplayer online battle arena game. I find it very engaging because of its strategic gameplay and the teamwork required to win.

Question 2: I definitely prefer to play video games online with others. Playing with friends or even with people I’ve never met before adds an extra layer of enjoyment and challenge. It’s fascinating to interact and cooperate with players from different parts of the world.

Question 3: Yes, I tend to read the instructions before playing a video game online. I believe understanding the game mechanics and rules thoroughly enhances my gaming experience. It helps me perform better and enjoy the game more, especially when it’s a game I’m trying for the first time.

TOEIC Speaking 2 「Respond to questions (応答問題)」

English Site

▮ レッスン コース名 : TOEIC Speaking 2 「Respond to questions」

▮ レッスン数 : 40レッスン (40 Questions) (必要な分だけ受講してください)

          標準必要時間:1~2 Question =25分(1レッスン)

▮ 教材:  オリジナル教材  教材(問題)  サンプル問題と解答例

       ※ 教材はレッスン中に講師が画面共有で提示します。予習は必要ありません

▮ テスト内容:  


各質問を聞いた後、準備する時間が 3 秒あります。 質問 5 と 6 への回答時間は15 秒、質問 7 への回答時間は 30 秒です。

▮ レッスン概要 






TOEIC Speaking 2 「Read a text aloud」

English Site

▮ レッスン コース名 : TOEIC Speaking 2 「Read a text aloud」

▮ レッスン数 : 30レッスン (30 texts) (必要な分だけ受講してください)

          標準必要時間:1 text=25分(1レッスン)

▮ 教材:  オリジナル教材  教材(問題)Question 1~30

       ※ 教材はレッスン中に講師が画面共有で提示します。予習は必要ありません

▮ レッスンの概要 


① テキストを45秒黙読します。
② 黙読が終わったらテキストを全て音読します。
③ 2回目の音読では講師から発音、イントネーション、アクセントの指導を受けます。
④ 3回目の音読で正しい発音、イントネーション、アクセントでテキストを全て音読します

注意: ● レッスンの進め方は、受講者または講師の判断で変更されることがあります。
    ● 「標準時間は 1レッスン= 1テキストですが、受講者のレベルにより1レッスン= 2テキストになる場合があります。

▮ 評価基準


TOEIC Speaking Course- English Site

Japanese Site

Test Format and Content

▮ TOEIC Speaking Course 1 ―  Comprehensive Curriculum for Five Question Types

▮ TOEIC Speaking Course 2 ― By Question Type (Different from Course 1)

● Read a text aloud

● Describe a picture

● Respond to questions

● Respond to questions using information provided

● Express an opinion

※ Instructors, please receive the Answer Key from the manager.