Lesson 58 Pocket tissues
Topic Question: Why are pocket tissues given out for free in Japan?
▮ Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about why you often see free pocket tissues being distributed in Japan. What purposes do they serve?
▮ Sample Answer
“In Japan, pocket tissues are often given out for free on the street as a form of advertising. Companies include their ads or coupons inside the tissue packages. It’s a marketing strategy that benefits both the company and the receiver.”
▮ Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer
Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly
- Advertise (広告する): To promote a product, service, or event to the public.
- Marketing (マーケティング): The action or business of promoting and selling products or services.
- Strategy (戦略): A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
- Benefit (利益): An advantage or profit gained from something.
- Receiver (受取人): A person who receives something.
▮ Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer
- Why are pocket tissues given out for free in Japan?
- What is included inside the tissue packages?
- How does this strategy benefit the company?
▮ Mastering Middle School English Grammar
a/an and the
● I have a car.
(there are many cars and I have one)
● Can I ask a question?
(there are many questions – canI ask one?)
● Is there a hotel near here?
(there are many hotels – is t here one near here?)
●Paris is an interesting city.
(there are many interesting cities and Paris is one)
●Lisa is a student.
(there are many students and Lisa is one)
● I’m going to wash the car tomorrow.
(= my car)
● Can you repeat the question, please?
(= the question that you asked)
● We enjoyed our vacation. The hotel was very nice.
(= our hotel)
● Paris is the capital of France.
(there is only one capital of France)
● Lisa is the youngest student in her class.
(there is only one youngest student

We say the .. . when it is clear which thing or person we mean. For example:
● ”Where’s Tom?” “In the kitchen.”
(= the kitchen of this house or apartment)
● Turn off the light and close the door.
(= the light and the door of the room)
● Do you live far from the airport?
(= the airport of your town)
● I’d like to speak to the manager, please.
(= the manager of this store, etc.)
Example Sentences Based on the Grammar Practice and Sample Answer:
- Can I have a tissue? (There are many tissues – can I have one?)
- The tissues were given out for free. (Specific tissues that were being discussed.)
- The marketing strategy of giving out tissues is effective. (A specific strategy being discussed.)
Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself: