
Lesson 39  Bento Boxes

Lesson 39  Bento Boxes

Topic Question: “What kind of food do you put in a bento box?”

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about the variety of foods typically included in a bento box, a traditional Japanese lunchbox that offers a well-balanced meal.

Sample Answer

“In a bento box, you can find rice or noodles, grilled or fried meat like chicken or fish, vegetables, and sometimes pickled or cooked side dishes. There’s also often fruit for dessert.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer
 -Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Bento box (弁当箱): A single-portion take-out or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine.
  2. Grilled (焼いた): Cooked by direct exposure to radiant heat.
  3. Fried (揚げた): Cooked in hot fat or oil.
  4. Vegetables (野菜): A plant or part of a plant used as food.
  5. Pickled (漬けた): Preserved in vinegar or brine.
  6. Side dishes (副菜): A dish served separately alongside the main course.

Answer the Instructor’s Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What main components are found in a bento box?
  2. Are there desserts in a bento box?

▮ Mastering Middle School English Grammar

there was/were, there has/have been, there will be

There was / there were(past)

There has been / there have been(present perfect)

● Look! There’s been an accident.
  (there’s been = there has been)
● This road is very dangerous. There have been many accidents on it.

Compare there was(past):

● There was an accident last night.
  (not There has been an accident last night.)

There will be

● The manager of the company is leav111g, so there will be a new manager soon.
● I’m going out of town tomorrow. I’m packing my things today because there won’t be time tomorrow.
  (there won’t be = there will not be)

Example Sentences:  Based on the Sample Answer

  1. There was rice and grilled fish in the bento box yesterday. (Using ‘there was’ for singular or combined items in the past.)
  2. There have been many different types of bento boxes over the years. (Using ‘there have been’ for plural items over a period up to now.)
  3. There will be a new type of bento box available soon. (Using ‘there will be’ to talk about the future.)

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself: