洗足学園中学 帰国子女枠入試-英語試験
Senzoku Gakuen Junior High School Returnee Students Quota Entrance Exam – English Test
※ 洗足学園中学 帰国子女枠入試の英語試験では、作文エッセイが出題されません。
In the English test for the returnee student quota entrance exam at SENZOKU Gakuen, a composition essay is not included.
Instead of a composition essay, the interview exam is used to assess the candidate’s way of thinking
洗足学園中学の帰国子女枠入試面接試験 回答のコツ
Tips for answering questions in the interview exam for the returnee student quota at SENZOKU Gakuen.
- Make sure your answer is relevant to the question.
- Incorporate your own experiences.
- Be specific.
※※ It’s good to answer in the same way as you would write a composition essay!!
Lesson 1.
Contents of the 2023 entrance examination mock test for returnee students (5-minute mock interview + 5 minutes of advice).
1.Have you ever lived abroad?
2.Talk about one of your skills and how you acquired that skill.
3.Do you think that strong pressure from adults leads children to success or sets them up for failure?
4.Tell us about a lesson learned by a character in a book and relate that lesson to one you’ve learned in your life.
Lesson 2.
2022年度 面接試験内容
Contents of the Interview Exam for the 2022 Academic Year
1.Should parents control minors’ electric devices?
2.What do you look for when applying to a school?
3.When did you show bravery?
4.What lesson did you learn from a book?
Lesson 3.
Contents of the 2022 entrance examination mock test for returnee students.
1.Tell me the time when you faced setbacks?
2.Will the arise of Al such as self-driving cars be advantageous for humanity?
3.Describe one object from your home that had a profound impact on your life.
4.What is the greatest crisis that your generation faces and how might it be solved?
5.Can you talk about a book that could empower young girls and explain how it could empower them ?
Lesson 4.
2021年度面 接試験内容
Contents of the Interview Exam for the 2021 Academic Year.
1.How can students become global citizens?
2.What problems do you think your generations are facing?
3.What would you advise your old school’s teacher?
4.Do you think games can be used for education or just for entertainment?
5.What do you think a good empowering book for women is?
Lesson 5.
Contents of the 2021 entrance examination mock test for returnee students.
1.What is a great piece of advice you received from your friend?
2.What is a book that taught you how to overcome problems?
3.Do you think AI like self-driving cars will be beneficial to humans in the future?
Lesson 6.
2020年度 面接内容
Contents of the Interview Exam for the 2020 Academic Year.
- Tell us about a time when you faced a difficult situation.
- Introduce a book that has changed you, and explain about the book, including how you came across it.
- If you were to compare yourself to a vegetable, which one would you be?
- What would you do if your friend said something vulgar?
- Tell us about a recent news topic that interests you.
- What are your thoughts on AI and autonomous driving?
Lesson 7.
Contents of the 2020 entrance examination mock test for returnee students.
1.What color would you use to describe yourself?
2.What character do you disagree with
3.What culture were you impressed with the most?
4.If you were the world’s president, what would you change?
5.What would you change about your school?
Lesson 8.
2017年度 面接内容
Contents of the Interview Exam for the 2017 Academic Year.
- How long have you lived in foreign countries, and in which countries?
- If you were to compare yourself to a color, what color do you think you would be?
- Tell us about a character from a movie or book that you think is the least similar to you.
- If you could change one rule at your current school, what would it be?
- What are some interesting cultural aspects of Japan and the country where you lived?
- If you became a world leader, what would you like to change?
- What do you think aliens would find surprising if they came to Earth?