
Debate is Fun ― Topics for College Students

What’s the best way to grab the attention of college students? Beer pong? Well, that’s one option, but it’s out of our jurisdiction. To keep university students engaged in a debate, it may work best to give them a relatable topic – something that has to do with their life in college!

大学生の注意を引く最良の方法は何でしょうか?ビールポンゲーム?まあ、それも一つの選択肢ですが、それは我々の管轄外です。大学生たちをディベートに夢中にさせるためには、彼らに関連性のある話題を提供するのが最善かもしれません – 大学生活に関連する何かです!

  1. Would you rather be good at exams or good at sports?
  2. Is finals week too stressful for students?
  3. Are graduation ceremonies too boring?
  4. Are college degrees overrated?
  5. Which is a more valuable degree – medicine or engineering?
  6. Is STEM education more valuable than training in humanities?
  7. Is there any point in having a business degree?
  8. Have college campuses become too ‘woke’?
  9. Should every campus have a ‘safe space’?
  10. Should dorms be mixed gender?
  11. Is spring break overrated?
  12. Should alcohol be allowed in dorms?
  13. Are college students drinking too much alcohol?
  14. Is it better to be one of the “jocks” or one of the “nerds”?
    15 Are athletic scholarships giving an unfair advantage to some students?
  15. Is cheerleading a sport?