
Lesson 47  Nemawashi (Corporate Decision-Making)

Lesson 47  Nemawashi (Corporate Decision-Making)

Topic Question: Can you explain the significance of “nemawashi” in decision-making processes in Japanese companies?

No. 1: Introduction –  First, try answering the question yourself.
The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.

Sample Answer – Let’s read aloud. Instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.

Nemawashi, a foundational element of Japanese business culture, is an informal process of laying the groundwork for proposed changes or decisions by talking to the people concerned, gathering support, and receiving feedback before any formal meeting takes place. This term, which literally translates to “root binding,” originally comes from the practice of preparing the roots of a tree or plant for transplantation, ensuring a smooth transition. In the corporate context, nemawashi ensures that by the time a proposal reaches the formal decision-making stage, consensus has already been built, and any potential resistance has been addressed. This process highlights the Japanese values of harmony, consensus, and respect for all members of an organization. It allows for a more democratic and inclusive approach to decision-making, where the emphasis is on collaboration and avoiding conflict.

No. 2:  Vocabulary Building- 5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings
Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Groundwork (下準備, shita jumbi): Preliminary or preparatory work.

“Nemawashi is about doing the necessary groundwork to ensure the success of a proposal or project.”

  1. Consensus (合意, gōi): General agreement.

“The goal of nemawashi is to reach a consensus before any formal decision-making process begins.”

  1. Feedback (フィードバック): Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement.

“Gathering feedback during the nemawashi process is crucial for refining proposals and addressing concerns.”

  1. Harmony (調和, chōwa): The quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole.

Nemawashi contributes to the harmony within Japanese companies by promoting understanding and agreement.”

  1. Democratic (民主的, minshu-teki): Relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.

“Nemawashi allows for a more democratic approach to decision-making by involving everyone affected by the decision.”

No. 3:  Key Idiom and Example Sentences
“Smooth sailing” – This idiom is used to describe a situation where success is achieved without difficulties.

“Thanks to effective nemawashi, the new policy implementation was smooth sailing, with all team members onboard.”

“Nemawashi ensures that projects have smooth sailing by addressing potential obstacles in advance.”

No. 4:  Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: How does nemawashi influence the speed and efficiency of decision-making in Japanese companies? Do you think this approach has more advantages or disadvantages?

Student: [Opinions of students]

No. 5:  Free Discussion on the Topic
Let’s explore the applicability of nemawashi in international and multicultural business environments. How can the principles of nemawashi be adapted or adopted by companies outside Japan to enhance their decision-making processes? Discuss potential challenges and benefits of implementing nemawashi in different cultural contexts. Additionally, consider the role of technology in facilitating the nemawashi process, especially in remote or distributed teams. How does digital communication impact the effectiveness of nemawashi? Share any experiences or observations you may have regarding informal consensus-building practices in your own work or study environments.