
Lesson 22   Shichi-Go-San

Lesson 22 Shichi-Go-San

Topic Question: How do Japanese people celebrate children’s milestones, such as Shichi-Go-San?

No. 1
First, try answering the question yourself.
The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.

Sample Answer – Let’s read aloud – The instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.

In Japan, Shichi-Go-San is a traditional rite of passage and festival celebrated to bless the growth and well-being of young children, specifically girls aged three and seven, and boys aged three and five. The celebration takes place on November 15th, when parents dress their children in traditional attire—kimonos for girls and hakama for boys—and visit Shinto shrines to pray for their health and happiness. After the shrine visit, it’s customary for the children to receive “chitose-ame,” which are long, red and white candy sticks, symbolizing longevity and eternal health. The ritual signifies the parents’ gratitude towards the gods for their child’s growth and prays for a continued healthy life.

No. 2
5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings – Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Rite of passage (通過儀礼): A ceremony or event marking an important stage in someone’s life.

Graduation ceremonies are an important rite of passage for students.

  1. Traditional attire (伝統的な衣装): Clothing that is representative of a culture’s traditional style.

For the festival, everyone wore traditional attire to celebrate their heritage.

  1. Longevity (長寿): Long life; the fact of having a long life span.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is often associated with longevity.

  1. Gratitude (感謝): The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

She expressed her gratitude to her mentors for their guidance and support.

  1. Eternal (永遠の): Lasting or existing forever; without end.

The story speaks of an eternal love that defies time.

No. 3
Key Idiom and Example Sentences – Pronounce the Key Idiom Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Key Idiom Instantly

“Blessing in disguise” (不幸中の幸い)
Losing my job was a blessing in disguise because it led me to pursue my passion.

No. 4
Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: What significance do you think celebrating milestones like Shichi-Go-San has in modern Japanese society? How do similar celebrations in your culture compare?

Student: [Opinions of students]

No. 5
Free Discussion on the topic
Let’s discuss the importance of cultural traditions in the modern world. How do traditions like Shichi-Go-San help maintain cultural identity and pass values to younger generations? Are there any traditions from your culture that have evolved but continue to hold significance today?