
Model Answer―JHS Entrance Exam Essay Course―Advance (1~10)

以下の質問に対し280~350単語(Words) 目安で回答文(エッセイ)を作ってください。
Please create a response (essay) of approximately 280 to 350 words for the following question.

Q1. Describe a memorable experience from your time abroad. What did you learn from it?

Answer: My time abroad in Italy was not just a journey across continents, but a journey into a new way of perceiving life and relationships. It was in the quaint, cobbled streets of a small Italian town that I discovered the essence of ‘la dolce vita’ – the sweet life. This phrase, so often romanticized in literature and cinema, unfolded in its truest form in the everyday lives of the people I met there.

I recall one evening in particular that encapsulates my entire experience. I was invited to a local family’s home for dinner. The setting was modest, yet the atmosphere was rich with warmth and laughter. Around the table, conversations flowed as freely as the wine, and the meal was a simple yet delicious array of homemade pasta, fresh bread, and a salad dressed with olive oil from their backyard.

What struck me was the sheer joy and contentment in the air. There was an unhurried quality to the evening, a sense of being present that I had rarely experienced back home. The family spoke of their day-to-day lives, their traditions, their history, and in those stories, I found a profound sense of community and belonging. They listened intently to my tales of life in another part of the world, showing genuine curiosity and warmth.

From this and many similar experiences, I learned invaluable lessons about life. The Italians have a saying, ‘il dolce far niente’, which translates to ‘the sweetness of doing nothing’. This concept, which I observed and lived during my stay, taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the small moments, and finding joy in the company of others. It wasn’t about idleness but about the quality of being present and fully engaging with life.

This memorable experience broadened my perspective, teaching me to value the art of conversation, the beauty of simple pleasures, and the importance of community. It was a lesson in the richness of life that goes beyond material wealth or fast-paced achievements. The art of enjoying life, as I learned in Italy, lies in savoring each moment and cherishing the connections we make along the way. (354 words)

2. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it to make the world a better place?

If granted the opportunity to possess any superpower, I would choose the ability to purify and restore the environment. In a world grappling with climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction, this power could have an immensely positive impact.

With the ability to cleanse oceans, rivers, and air, I would start by targeting the most polluted areas. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a massive collection of oceanic debris, would be my first focus. By purifying these waters, I could save countless marine lives and ecosystems. This action would also help restore the natural balance, allowing marine species to thrive.

Next, I would turn my attention to air quality, particularly in cities like Beijing and Delhi, where air pollution has become a health hazard. By cleansing the air, I could drastically reduce respiratory illnesses and improve the quality of life for millions. This would not only benefit human health but also the health of urban wildlife.

Additionally, I would use my power to rejuvenate forests and wildlife habitats destroyed by human activity. By restoring these areas to their natural state, I could help preserve biodiversity, ensuring that various species, including endangered ones, have a safe environment to live in. This action would also aid in carbon sequestration, helping to combat global warming.

Through these efforts, my superpower would not just be a tool for ecological restoration but also a catalyst for change. As people witness the revival of their surroundings, it could inspire a global movement towards more sustainable living practices. My goal would be to use this power to show the world that a healthy environment is crucial for the survival of all living beings and that it’s possible to reverse the damage done.

In conclusion, the power to purify and restore the environment would enable me to address critical global challenges. It would allow me to make a tangible difference in the fight against environmental degradation, inspiring hope and action in others to join in the effort to make the world a better, healthier place for future generations. (338 Words)

3. Discuss a book, movie, or song that has had a significant impact on your life. Why did it resonate with you?

4. Imagine you could travel to any place and time in history. Where and when would you go, and what would you do there?

5. What are the qualities or characteristics that you admire most in a role model or mentor? Explain why they are important to you.

6. Share a personal challenge or setback you’ve faced. How did you overcome it, and what did you learn from the experience?

7. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called and how would people celebrate it?

8. Discuss the importance of cultural diversity and tolerance in today’s world. Why is it essential for people to embrace different cultures and perspectives?

9. Describe a recent technological advancement that you find fascinating. How do you think it will impact society in the future?

10. What does the concept of “success” mean to you? How do you plan to achieve success in your life?

11. Explain the significance of environmental conservation and what individuals can do to help protect the planet.

12. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what questions would you ask them?

13. Share a story about a time when you had to work as part of a team. What did you learn about teamwork from that experience?

14. Discuss the role of social media in the lives of young people today. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

15. Describe a hobby or interest that you are passionate about. How has it enriched your life?

16. What are the qualities that make a good leader? Do you aspire to be a leader in any particular area, and why?

17. Share your thoughts on the importance of education. How can education make a positive difference in the world?

18. Discuss a global issue that concerns you and suggest possible solutions to address it.

19. Describe a cultural tradition or celebration from your home country that you would like to introduce to others.

20. Imagine you have the opportunity to give a speech to a group of young students. What advice or message would you convey to inspire and motivate them?

21: Write about a personal hero of yours and explain why they inspire you.

22: Describe a future technology you hope to see and how it would benefit society.

23: Discuss the importance of teamwork in sports or other group activities.

24: Explain how learning a foreign language has influenced your perspective on the world.

25: Describe a time when you helped someone and what you learned from the experience.

26: Imagine you are a character in a fantasy world. Describe your adventures.

27: Discuss the value of art and music in education and personal growth.

28: Explain the importance of respecting different opinions in a democratic society.

29: Write about your favorite season and why it appeals to you.

30: Discuss the role of technology in connecting people across the world.

31: Explain the significance of traditional festivals in your culture.

32: Describe a scientific discovery that fascinates you and its potential impacts.

33: Discuss how you can contribute to environmental sustainability in your community.

34: Write about an important historical event in Japan and its impact on the country.

35: Imagine you are a leader of a country. Discuss how you would address a major societal issue.

36: Explain the benefits of reading books in the digital age.

37: Discuss the role of sports in building character and teamwork skills.

38: Write about a place you would like to visit and why.

39: Explain the importance of having a healthy lifestyle for students.

40: Discuss how volunteering and community service can impact personal development.

41: Describe a challenge that your generation faces and suggest solutions.

42: Write about an influential figure in science and their contributions to the field.

43: Discuss the benefits and challenges of living in a multicultural society.

44: Explain how hobbies and interests can influence your future career.

45: Describe a traditional Japanese art form and its significance.

46: Discuss the importance of historical preservation in modern society.

47: Write about a novel or movie that changed your view on a social issue.

48: Explain the role of innovation and creativity in shaping the future.

49: Describe a cultural experience from another country that you found enriching.

50: Discuss the impact of global warming and ways to combat it.