For the preparation of Eiken Grade 1, we offer three courses. It is not necessary to take all the lessons. Please take only as many lessons as you need based on your judgment. Also, it is possible to change courses midway.
● All instructors will be in charge.
▮ Writing Class
● Writing Opinion Task 【44 Questions/ 88 Lessons】 Lesson summary Materials
● Writing Summary Task 【50 Questions / 100 Lessons】 Lesson Summary
We recommend that you prepare in advance. Create your response sentences in a file such as Word.
Based on your answers, we will gradually correct and advise while developing the model response.
Even if you haven’t prepared in advance, we will develop a model answer based on your responses with the guidance of the instructor.
▮ Past Exam Class 【60~100 Lessons】
Past exam questions from six rounds (from the third round of the 2018 academic year to the second round of the 2020 academic year)
This is a curriculum organized by question format. You can also focus on the types of questions you struggle with (for example, Gap fill passages). Through the lessons, you can overcome your weaknesses and acquire answer techniques. We provide the materials here. If you need to do some preparation or review, please contact your instructor or our customer support.
▮ Interview Class (2nd Exam)【100 Lessons】 Lesson Flow