
TOEFL Speaking Mock Test — English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:   TOEFL Speaking Mock Test – Sample Materials

▮ Level:      CEFR B1 and above, Eiken Grade Pre-2 and above

▮ Number of Lessons: 130 Mock Tests 【(Q1~Q4) × 130 】 ┃260 lessons(1Mock=50 min)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:   Between 50 to 100 lessons

▮ Lesson material: 

lesson materials will be provided by the instructor during lesson time. If you need materials for preview, please request the next lesson’s materials (multiple sessions are possible) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first to the tenth session can be downloaded from this link.

※ Once you become accustomed to the lessons, we recommend attending them without prior preparation, as if it were a real situation.

▮ Features: Utilizes test-like questions and develops model answers based on the learner’s responses.
Proceeds in the same order as the exam, from Q1 to Q4 (Independent/Integrated).

▮ Course Overview:

We will proceed in the same order as the exam, from Q1 to Q4 (Independent/Integrated), using test-like questions. The instructor will correct the learner’s answers based on the scoring standards. One Mock test (Q1-Q4) will be taught over 2 lessons (2 periods, 50 minutes).