
IELTS Writing General— English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Lesson Course Name: IELTS Writing General (Intensive Seminar)

▮ Level: CEFR A2~ / Eiken Pre-2~

▮ Number of Lessons: Task 1 – 40 questions / Task 2 – 40 questions (Please take only the necessary number of lessons)
▮ Standard required time: 1 question = 50 minutes (2 lessons). Please take each question with the same instructor.

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons: 50 lessons (25 questions)

▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the instructor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the instructor. If you require materials for preparation during the first session, please contact customer support

▮ Features: Uses exam-like questions. This is the most standard lesson for IELTS Writing General preparation.

▮ Lesson Overview:

Task 1: Create a letter based on the given situation (3 points to include in the letter). Minimum 150 words.

Task 2: Create an essay expressing opinions, arguments, and addressing issues. Minimum 250 words.

━━ Lesson Progression ━━

① Preparatory work is recommended. Prepare your answer in a Word or similar document. (If you prefer to experience the lesson with the same level of tension as the actual exam, you can proceed without preparation.)

② Standard completion time for one question is 50 minutes (2 lessons). Please try to take one question (topic) with the same instructor. (If the instructor changes, they can still take over the previous progress.)

③ During the lesson, drop each sentence (or group of sentences) into the instructor’s chatbox for correction.

The instructor will provide corrections while showing the answer sentence by sentence on the shared screen.

Finally, advice on the overall structure of the essay will be given.

④ If the completion of the essay is not achieved during the lesson, the instructor will provide the partially completed answer in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer) to the student.

⑤ The student should complete the essay and submit it to the instructor before the next lesson.

⑥ In the second lesson, the instructor will provide corrections and advice on the completed essay through the shared screen. The lesson will focus on writing instruction tailored to the student’s level.