
5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 フォーマルな単語・表現を使う

IELTS Writing Task 2 対策 formal vocabulary





a.       Who is the cream of the crop in your team? or Who is the best person in your team?

b.       What is something that pissed you off? or What is something that

gets you very annoyed?

c.       What is one thing that you would like to do ASAP?

d.       What is your favorite soda or carbonated soft drinks?

▮ 以下2つのParagraph を比較して Paragraph A は口語表現の多い文になります。

Paragraph A:

Many students today are living an unhealthy way of life. Students mustn’t’ ingest unhealthy food because this is gonna make them under the weather. Instead, they must eat food with high nutrition to make them fit as a fiddle.

Paragraph B:

Many students today are living an unhealthy way of life. Students must not take unhealthy food because this is going to make them ill. Instead, they must eat food with high nutrition to make them healthy.

▮ ライティング(アカデミック)で使えない主な口語表現(informal)には、


短縮形 (contrations )

スラング (slang words)

省略形 (abbreviations)

決まり文句  (cliché’s)

口語体 (colloquialism)