
IELTS リーディング Tips⑬

Written/Edited by Shanti Esther A. Bonachita
reading 13
Reading section is always very confusing and surely encounter tricky questions. Here are some tips you need to remember to avoid mistakes.

  1. There are many task types you need to locate the answer and most cases you need to skim through it so don’t waste time reading the passage for every question. You may read it carefully but don’t read it too slow.


  1. Don’t answer the questions based on  your knowledge, experience or feelings. Always read the text with comprehension and when you answer the questions make sure that they are in the passage.


  1. You have to be calm and don’t be anxious especially when the questions are difficult. You leave the hard ones and proceed to the next questions then come back to the items you couldn’t answer after you are able to answer the easy ones.


  1. Don’t worry. Free your mind from worries if you have a hard time understanding every word. It is always not necessary to understand every word to be able to answer the questions correctly. Get the whole idea of the sentence that’s being asked.


  1. Don’t forget to write your answers on the answer sheet. There will be no more time to transfer your answers at the end of the test.


  1. Don’t write many answers  when there’s only one required. Always be careful to write only one answer, otherwise you will not receive a mark even if one of your answer is correct.

What is the meaning of the band score  zero (0) and nine (9)?
a. satisfactory; native speaker
b. did not attempt the test; expert user
c. zero english level;100 IQ

IELTSリーディング Tips ⑫

Written/Edited by Shanti Esther A. Bonachita

ielts 12

For those candidates who get a band score of 9, the most important advice they always give is to read a lot of different kinds of English texts. Also, practice taking the test under timed-conditioned training and learn how to get a strategic ideas of the different questions IELTS reading test are also helpful. Here are some tips from Debashis ,an IELTS candidate,who got a band score of 9 in his Reading exam.
He carried a red pen with him, which he thought was invaluable. His key points are–
1. Scan the ‘reading sections’ and ‘questions’
2.  decide the sections you will answer first.
3.After picking a section, read the questions relating to it in detail,then read the section in detail. While reading, underline and annotate them with key words in bold red for easy reference. Quick referencing is vital.
In the actual test he received 4 reading sections. He rapidly scanned through all 4 sections and questions to identify the easier sections, and then tackled them in that order.
4. After selecting a section, he read it’s questions in detail, underlying key words in a red pen, and summarizing it in 2-3 words in bold red next to it. For e.g. if the question was “how many times did the explorer Captain Scott return to England after his first trip”, it would be written next to it in red “RETURN UK > 1st ?”. This helps in quick referral to the question when studying the main body.
5. He then went back to the reading section, studying it in detail, and annotating it with my red pen. For e.g., if there were ten paragraphs, it would be written in bold red what the paragraph related to right next to it. This assists in quickly determining the likely paragraph a question relates to. He further underlined the possible answers, a task made easy as he could rapidly and readily read questions from their red summary in 3.2.
In overall, he found this module easy, as though he did not get time to practice, he is accustomed to reading large reports. He finished half-way through, and then proceeded to check his answers, twice. He noted with satisfaction that he did not need to change a single answer on revision. He got grade 9.
How much score in IELTS  should an applicant need to pass the  prospective immigrants’ competence in English in the UK?
c. 7.5