
5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 意見を述べる

IELTS Writing Task 2 基礎編 Starting an Opinion

IELTS ライティング Task 2では topic に関する自分の意見を示すことが求めら













5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 イントロダクション

IELTS Writing Task 2 基礎編 Introduction









1. Opening statement (エッセイの主旨)

2. Paraphrase  (問題文の言い換え)

3. Thesis statement (エッセイの概要)

▮ サンプル イントロダクション

Essay Question:

Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions.

Discuss both views and give your opinion (両方の見解を論じ、意見を述べる)

▮ Paraphrases (問題文の言い換え)

Essay Question:

Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions.

Paraphrase の例文:

Using cultural tradition to generate income from tourists is believed to be a cause of harm to the country’s cultural traditions; however, others think that it is a one way to preserve traditions.

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 コンセプトマップ

IELTS Writing Task 2 基礎編 Concept Map

IELTSライティング Task 2では、エッセイを書き出す前に、質問のトピックについての


メモからエッセイに使う内容を取捨選択して、本論1,本論2 …. というような段落に





● コンセプトマップの描き方

トピック- 環境 Environment 


● エッセイの構成を考えたコンセプトマップ

● エッセイの構成

① イントロダクション

② Body(本論)ー1

③ Body(本論)ー2

④ Body(本論)ー3

 サンプル エッセイ

Essay Question:

What is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century?

   There are many important changes, both technological and cultural, in the twentieth century. In my opinion, the most important of these are the advances that are made in medical science. The development of vaccines and antibiotics, increased access to health care, and improvements in surgical techniques are all things that improved, and served the lives of other people around the world.

Vaccines and antibiotics have served the lives of many people. Fifty years ago, many peoplebecome crippled and died from polio. Now, the polio vaccine is available everywhere. In the past, people could die from simple infections. Now, penicillin and other antibiotics make it easy to cure infections.

Increased access to health care has also improved the lives of millions of people. In the past,many people lived from hospitals or clinics, and now health centers have been built in many parts of the world. More people have the opportunity to visit a doctor or nurse before they become very sick. They can be treated more easily. They are sick less and this leads to a better quality life.

Improved surgical techniques make it easier to treat many medical problems. Microscopic and laser surgery techniques are more efficient than older methods. It is easier for the doctor to perform them, and easier for the patient to recover. Surgery patients can return to their normal life more quietly now than they could in the past.

In conclusion, everybody needs good health in order to have a good quality of life. Advances in medical science have improved the lives of people around the world. They are improvements important to everyone.

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 (複文)

IELTS Writing Task 2 対策 (複文



3.  Complex Sentences(複文)

 IELTS Writing テストでは、複雑な文章が重要です。それは、採点が文法の範囲と正確さで評価されるからです。 複雑な文が多様で正確であればあるほど、バンドスコアが高くなります。

 Complex Sentences(複文)とは、一つの主節と一つ以上の従属節がつながった文です。


Common subordinating conjunctions (一般的な従位接続詞)

▮ subordinating conjunctions (従位接続詞)のタイプを以下の中から選んでみましょう。

(Comparison, time, place, condition, reason )

1. Children in the previous generation have healthy eating habit whereas many young people today prefer eating highly processed food.   comparison

2. Air pollution has significantly increased because the rate of toxic gas emissions has also doubled recently. ______________

3. Children should not take extra classes after school as this could affect their academic performance at school. ________________

4. Wherever there is an urban development, it takes toll on the environment.________________

5. If people continue to use plastic, the number of creatures, both land and sea, who are intoxicated by plastic intake would continue to rise. _____________

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 (重文)

IELTS Writing Task 2 対策 (文)



2.  Compound Sentences(重文)

重文とは、従属節を持たずに、二つ以上の主節がcoordinating conjunction(等位接続詞)

で つながった文です。



● パラグラフ 1

Tourism is a booming industry. It has become one of the major lucrative businesses. It has created some serious problems on the environment. Some people argued that taxes on flights and accommodation must be increased. This industry creates more problems on the environment than progress. Other people challenge this claim holding a view that adding more taxes cannot solve the existing environmental problems.

● パラグラフ 2

Tourism is a booming industry, and it has become one of the major lucrative businesses, but it has created some serious problems on the environment. Some people argued that taxes on flights and accommodation must be increased, for this industry creates more problems on the environment than progress, yet other people challenge this claim holding a view that adding more taxes cannot solve the existing environmental problems.

1. Formula – (SV but SV)


Computers are important, but they can be dangerous too.

2. Formula – (SV but SV so SV)


Computers are important, but they can be dangerous too, so people must be cautious.

注: coordinating conjunction(等位接続詞)は1つの節に2つまでにします。


Computers are used widely in most countries now, and they are a sign of progress, and we must ensure

everyone has access to them.

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 (単文)

IELTS Writing Task 2 対策 (単文)



1. 単文(simple sentence)





S + V

Computers are useful to people.

S + V + V

I search for information and play games.

S + S + V + V

The teachers and students search for information and find answers on the computer.

練習問題.       Identify the formula. (SV, SVV, SSV or SSVV)

1.       The government and the people must work together in solving problems on climate change.

2.       Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

3.       Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the atmosphere.

4.       Some tourists are irresponsible.

5.       The first responders search and rescue the casualties of the typhoon.