
TOEFLライティングIntegrated Tips④

My beautiful pictureTOEFL Integrated Essay Tip # 3: IMPROVING READING SKILLS

by: Rose Angelie Lapina

オンライン英会話  マイチューター

▮ 総合ライティング― リーディング力をつける!

IELTSライティングー 総合ライティングではパッセージを読んでその内容や著者の主張をまとめる能力が問われます。 「読む」ことと「理解する」ことは別の話です。 ここではパッセージを素早く理解しポイントをまとめる学習方法を紹介します。

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In TOEFL Writing Integrated Task, reading is the first part of the exercise followed by listening. You are given 3 minutes to read a passage which is mostly about academic topics. Reading within 3 minutes is easy for most of us. However, reading and understanding is another story. Reading without comprehension is absolutely useless when answering the TOEFL Integrated Task. Reading comprehension is one of the skills that you need to be good at when taking the exam, so it is of utmost importance that you practice reading. Make it a habit to read textbooks, journals, academic passages, research articles, and encyclopaedias. Though you don’t need to know about any certain subjects, it would be useful if your familiar on how the academic materials are presented.

Basically, TOEFL evaluates your skills in succeeding in an American university or college, while some countries that speak English also use the TOEFL score as a pre-requisite for admission. Thus, you should focus on studying the language that you would normally hear in school. It would be very helpful to learn academic English, and one way to do that is through reading.

Now, let’s discuss about how you can improve your readingskills.


1. To start, choose any article or topic that you find interesting to read. After few reading practices, choose subjects that are not familiar to you. Make it a point to read articles that are 300-400 words long.

2. Always have a pen and paper on hand while reading so you can easily take down valuable information, interesting phrases, or even difficult words.

2. Read aloud and be aware of your pronunciation and intonation. This helps you to slow down while reading, thus you can comprehend more.

3. Avoid distractions by finding a quiet and comfortable reading place where you could spend long hours of reading without any disturbance or discomfort.

4. Define vocabulary words ahead of time through pre-reading. That way, you can give meaning to uncommon words and you’ll understand the context better while reading.

5. Summarize what you just read based on your notes and review your answer by checking the article if you have covered all important information.

6. Re-read. Read the same articles over and over again to gain fluency and better comprehension.

7. Read daily. Yes, make it a habit to read, read, read!

Good luck!

IELTSリーデイング Tips⑨  解答指示文に注意!


Written/Edited by: Shanti Esther Bonachita

オンライン英会話  マイチューター

▮ 解答指示文に注意を払う!

後で後悔しないために解答指示文は十分気を付けて読んでください。 指示通りに書かないと得点でません。

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To avoid dissatisfaction during the test, here are some essential points you need to bare in mind when taking the IELTS-Reading section.

First and foremost, read the instructions carefully– a very important part of the IELTS-Reading test. It’s not ideal to skip this portion. Remember that the directions will tell you what exactly you need to do and how many words you should answer.

Secondly, understand the passage. Always make sure that you read the passage with good comprehension. It’s the same thing with the questions and always follow instructions carefully. As you read the title and subtitle from the beginning to end, you have to get the overview of a text before proceeding to the questions. If you do so, it’s more quick to process all the information and give good answers.

Thirdly, manage your time. It’s very important not to waste your time during the exam since a candidate is only given 20 minutes to answer all the questions. Bare in my mind not to get stuck on a single question, just leave it and get back to it later. Otherwise, if you are not sure of the answer, write them on the mark sheet using your pencil and return soon.

Further more, grammar counts. It is certainly the most important factor in IELTS. Even articles “a” or “the” matters. If you have problems with grammar just remember the basic sentence structure like simple and compound sentences and also be careful with singular/plural. If you want to get a higher score you can use the complex sentences. However, just remember two things: don’t write too little and not too much. Also, spelling matters. Like grammar, always be mindful of the spelling while writing your sentences. It can negatively affect your score and it’s not nice to lose points for ‘just’ incorrect spelling. Also, be extra aware of the words that you are copying in the text.

And most importantly, don’t Panic. Running out of time, encountering unfamiliar words and confusing passages can panic a candidate while taking the test. Take it easy and compose yourself, all the answers in the IELTS Reading section are in the passage.


What is the percentage of candidates who take the test to enter higher education in a foreign country?

a. 70%

b. 60%

c. 51%