
TOEFLライティングIntegrated Tips①

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TOEFL Writing Integrated Task     Tips ①

Written/edited by Rose

留学・ビジネス英語に強い オンライン英会話  マイチューター

▮ TOEFLライティング総合問題  解答文章の書き方 


 IELTS ライティング総合問題(Integrated Task)では、パッセージを読んだ後、レクチャーを約2分聴いた後で、レクチャーの内容を要約することと、それがどうのようにパッセージの内容と関連しているか(多くは異なる観点)をライティングで表現するテストです。  


文の構成(Organization)といいますが、一体どんなことを言っているのでしょう。日本でよく「起承転結」といいます。アメリカではIntroduction, body, conculusion (序論、本論、結論)といいます。TOEFLはアメリカのテストですから、こちらに従います。

toefl guideline


    >Presents the topic of the essay. What the reading and listening are about.

    >Keep it brief, 1-2 sentences will do. Just give a general idea of what the topic is before getting into points of similarity or contradiction.


    If Contrasting ideas:

    The author explains that ______ (main idea of the reading). The lecturer, however, suggests that ______ (main idea of the lecture).


    Adding information:

    “The author explains that ______ (main idea of the reading), and the lecturer suggests that ______ (main idea of the lecture).


    “Both the reading and the listening talk about ______.”

  2. BODY:

    >Present the main points and supporting details/contrasting ideas on each point presented

    >the number of paragraphs depends on the number of main points and key details presented

    >Make sure to write accurate and important information

    USE: (Opposition) In contrast to, As opposed to, Directly/blatantly/clearly opposes, this point contradicts, It is the exact/polar opposite of, A conflicting statement, He/she denies this by, It is inconsistent with, on the other hand.

    (Similarity) Agrees with, It is consistent with, This supports/sustains, Offers further proof/arguments of the validity, He/she reinforces this idea by, Similarly, In the same manner, In the same context

    Also, while these connectors specifically address the “supporting” or “contrasting” themes, do not forget to use other such markers, such as: because, thus, hence, for instance, such as, besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore, however, as well as, first, second, third, etc.

  3. Conclusion

    >some TOEFL books say it’s not necessary to include a conclusion. But just to be safe, add it if you still have time.

    >Rephrasing of the Introduction. 1-2 sentences long, a general concluding sentence restating what you said in your introduction with more specifics.

USE: in conclusion, in summary, to sum up

Examples: “In conclusion, the reading passage offers an overview of the French Revolution. In the listening, the professor explains three possible causes of the Revolution: government debt, heavy taxation, and social unrest.”

Here’s another:

“In summary, while the reading claims that the French Revolution was brought about by the emergence of Enlightenment principles, the professor disagrees. The professor suggests that the Revolution was a result of economic turmoil and social unrest.”

IELTSリーディング Tips⑦ 設問に集中する

ShanIELTSリーディング Tips 7    

Written/Edited by: Shanti Esther Bonachita

 留学・ビジネス英語に強い オンライン英会話 マイチューター

 ▮ 読む前に設問に集中する !

IELTSリーディングセクションは英文読解力を試すだけのテストではありません。むしろ英文全部を読む必要がない問題も多いのです。 本文を読む前に必ず設問に目を通してください。 設問から本文のどこを読むべきかを知ることが大切です。

本、新聞、雑誌などを根気よく読み続けることで、知らぬ間に読解力は身についているはずです。 IELTSリーディングテストでは読解力に加え、速読テクニックである「スキャニング」と「スキミング」を試すテストとも言えます。


IELTSリーディングの問題は難解で長文です。 多くの受験者にとって全文を読むには時間が足りません。 また、全文を読む必要はありません。  初めに設問に集中し、問題文のどこを読むべきかを知ることが大切なんです。  設問から「スキャニング」「スキミング」を使い素早く解答を探し出してください。

IELTSリーディングで点数が低い方は特に設問に集中することです。 また、IELTSリーディングテストは設問のパターンもありますので事前に熟知してください。


After a severe reading of newspapers, magazines and books one must have improved the reading skills and speed. In this test, IELTS reading category does not asses your comprehension-not what you have understood, rather your skills in scanning and skimming.

The texts in IELTS are typically quite hard, so candidates spend as much time as possible reading the texts. One must focus on the question to avoid errors. Many candidates, especially for lower level, thinks that skimming through is more helpful when reading the questions first to get an idea of what to pay attention to in the reading passage.

During the preparation you must train yourself first and practice an “open book” tests where you can see the answers as you do the questions. Here are some points to remember:

  1. As advised, an IELTS taker must first read all the questions quickly to get an idea of what kind of information is required (whether scanning or skimming is needed). Focus exactly on what you are asked to do in ‘completion’ type questions. Make sure that you understand the questions and follow instructions carefully.


  2. Underline words in the text in the exam. As you read the questions, use a pencil to underline important information such as dates, places and names. Do not try and read every word; remember, you are reading for a purpose and do not worry if there is a word that you do not understand – you may not need to use it.


  3. Answer the questions one by one with the help of the underlined parts of the text. Having read the text once, you will find it easy to find specific information by scanning. If you do not know the answer to a question, attempt it but do not waste time; move quickly onto the next one.


  4. Check your answers.

When you practice, read the passage, answer the questions, compare your answers to the answers and pay attention to the mistakes. You need to understand why you got wrong answers and try to remember them so that you won’t make the same mistakes.


Is IELTS test the most difficult English test?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe