
IELTSリーディング Tips⑥ 時間を図る






Written/Edited by: Shanti Esther Bonachita  

ielts reading 6In the actual IELTS Reading test you are only given 60 minutes to perform the entire reading section (40 questions). Thus, doing a time limited exams can put a lot of pressure especially to slow readers. And there are times too that you lose your concentration on analyzing the questions. Once you have learned the techniques on how to skim and scan passages(tips #4 and #5) this is the perfect time to continue what you have learned. Practice and continue reading, skimming and scanning over the sample IELTS reading materials/articles and time your reading speed. Timing yourself will help you improve your reading skills and to keep motivated. Here are some ways to improve your speed reading.

  1. Take a stopwatch or a timer with you as you read, scan or skim a passage. First, find out how many number of words in the passage (e.g. 500-600 words) and observe your time as you read at a normal speed.

  2. As you read, understand what you are reading. It is important to understand that you only have to get the general meaning of a passage as you skim.

    -Do not read every word, one must read in groups of meaning.

    -Don’t stop reading once you read a difficult word but proceed.

    -And don’t read the same sentence twice just to be sure.

  3. For IELTS reading, you have to use your finger while reading. Though your eyes move quicker, your index finger will help you read easier. But don’t move your finger across the page, rather move it down the page slowly and steadily with your eyes moving quickly to keep up with your finger.

    Practice these steps over and over again with different passages and keep a record. Don’t allow yourself to use a dictionary and make a reading routine for pleasure and information. Make sure that the passages have similar amount of words (e.g. 500-600 words). If you find yourself reading with good comprehension and your record (time) is getting shorter, you are improving!


1. Who is the fastest reader in the world (2012)?


a. Maria Teresa Fabros Calderon

b. Howard Stephen Berg

  1. Barbara Blackburn