
モナ・リザは、なぜこれほどまでに有名なのか : ノア・チャーニー


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. At what year was Leonardo thought to have started the “Mona Lisa” portrait?
  2. Who purchased the painting and began displaying it after Leonardo’s death?
  3. Who published a popular biography of Italian Renaissance artists, including Leonardo?
  4. What portrait became one of the most enviable pieces in the French Royal Collection?
  5. In what museum did it eventually go on public display?
  6. Who said that Mona Lisa’s smile imparted a “treacherous attraction”?
  7. Who described the Mona Lisa as the embodiment of timeless feminine beauty?
  8. For how many years did Peruggia keep the painting in a false-bottom suitcase?
  9. Where did he smuggle the “Mona Lisa”?
  10. Who was that conceptual artist who mocked it?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Do you or did you ever like painting?
  2. Do you think modern artists are good at painting?
  3. What do you think of people who are very good at painting?
  4. Do you think painting is an important school subject?
  5. Do you prefer artists from your country or those from others?
  6. Do you prefer oils, watercolors, sketches, or another medium?
  7. Why are painting and art so important to us?
  8. Have you ever been emotionally moved because of a painting?
  9. What do you think artists from centuries ago would think of today’s artists?
  10. Would you consider investing money in a painting? Do you think art is a good investment?

モナ・リザは、なぜこれほどまでに有名なのか :ノア・チャーニー

Why is the Mona Lisa so famous?   (5分20秒)

制作から500年以上の歳月を経て、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの『モナ・リザ』は、ほぼ間違いなく世界で最も有名な絵画作品です。多くの学者は、同作をルネサンス期の芸術作品の傑作とみなしていますが、 歴史上には優れた絵画作品がたくさんあります。それでは、この作品の空前の名声はどのように高まっていったのでしょうか? ノア・チャーニーが、『モナ・リザ』が世界にセンセーションを巻き起こした要因を調査していきます。


TED オフィシャル動画   Transcript 機能付き



Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What is an interstellar cargo transport called in the first part of Doug MacKay’s talk?
  2. How many middle-aged individuals is it currently transporting from some of Earth’s poorest districts to the labor center on New Lindley?
  3. What is the luxury space cruiser called?
  4. Why is the Pareto sending them careening towards an asteroid belt?
  5. How many college students headed for a vacation aboard the Pareto?
  6. What is that ethical view first systematically developed by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill?
  7. What is utilitarianism?
  8. Who argues that we should give priority to the worse off since benefits to those groups matter more than equivalent benefits to the well-off?
  9. What is the meaning of philosopher Derek Parfit’s view?
  10. Who argued that numbers don’t count and that each person is deserving of equal concern and respect, so the best way to decide which passengers to save is to flip a coin?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Would you like to live in the country or the city?
  2. Would you rather have beauty or brains?
  3. If you could choose, would you like to be wealthy or well known?
  4. Would you like to go on holiday to a beach or go camping in a forest?
  5. Which is better tea or coffee?
  6. Are cats better than dogs?
  7. Would you rather lose your sight or lose your mobility?
  8. Would you rather be a doctor or a lawyer?
  9. Is it better to earn lots of money in a boring job or a little money in a job you absolutely love?
  10. Have you noticed how many varieties of the same food there are in a supermarket?  Why do supermarkets have 60 types of olive oil and 30 types of cheese?


You can only save one— who do you choose?  (4分15秒)

あなたは宇宙貨物輸送機の機長で、宇宙基地に向かう途中、遭難信号を受信しました。1機目は 労働者を乗せていて酸素が欠乏しはじめています。もう1機は 制御ロケットが外れ、衝突の危険があります。1機しか救う時間がありません。どちらを選ぶべきでしょうか。 ダグ・マッケイが この典型的倫理のジレンマを探求します。


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ブライアン・クリスチャン :テレビゲームが上手になる方法のヒントは赤ちゃんに


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

What was the goal of the researchers at DeepMind in London, according to the speaker?

2. What was the system developed by the researchers?

3. As stated by the speaker, what were the scores of the DQN versus the professional human games?

4.  What was one notable and glaring exception of DQN?

5. How did the speaker define some systems using model-based approach?

6. Base on the speaker, how did he describe DQN system?

7. How could DQN know if it was on the right track, as described by the speaker?

8. How did DQN behave after the researchers worked out a way to plug in novelty into reinforcement learning?

9. How can novelty-based rewards sometimes create more problems than solution?

10. What are the two directions the speaker emphasized?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Do you learn anything from playing video games?
  2. Do you prefer playing video games alone, or against friends?
  3. Do you think video games make people sometimes violent?
  4. In your opinion, which company makes the best games?
  5. Do you want to be a game designer? What kinds of games would you design?
  6. Do you prefer watching movies or playing video games?
  7. Does your personality change when you’re gaming?
  8. In your point of view, are video games good for relieving stress?
  9. What will video games be like in the future?
  10. Are video games bad for your health?
  11. Which game are you best at?
  12. What are the main differences between human intelligence and AI?
  13. Can you think of an example of AI from a movie or book?
  14. What is the difference between robots and computers?
  15. What is the practical purpose of a drone?
  16. What are some examples of AI apps on mobile phones?
  17. Can you think of any other examples of AI games that you used to play?
  18. How are robots better than the human workforce?
  19. What do you think would happen to the world’s economy if robots began replacing people in the workforce?
  20.  What threat do machines present to mankind?

ダニエル・スパーリングとジル・タル :電気自動車の驚くべき程長い歴史


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

1. In 1899, what were the three major options to choose from when buying a car?

2. What were the features of the option number three, as mentioned by the speaker?

3. By the end of the 19th century, nearly how many percent of American cars were electric?

4. What was the major problem the electric vehicles had during those years?

5. As stated by the speaker, what did many inventors, including Thomas Edison try to build?

6. Why did the swapping out of dead batteries for charged ones consider not enough measure to make long trips?

7. In 1908, what did Ford release and its characteristics?

8. For the next 55 years, which engine ruled the roads as mentioned by the speaker?

9.  How is Hybrid cars defined by the speaker?

10. As the government around the world is focusing nowadays on slowing climate change, what is being expected of the electric vehicles?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is your personal insight on the evolution of cars?
  2. Are you fond of cars?
  3. Do you think cars are essential and worth our money?
  4. Do you think the world would be a better place without cars?
  5. Have you ever been in a car accident?
  6. Should governments restrict engine sizes to protect the environment?
  7. In your own opinion, which country produces the best cars?
  8. Do you like sitting in a car, either as a driver or a passenger?
  9. Why do so many people care so much about their cars?
  10. What’s your favorite car?
  11. Does having a car symbolizes our social status?
  12. Do people need cars that go way above national speed limits?
  13. What features and functions of a car do you need most?
  14. In your point of view, where do cars rank in the list of most important inventions?
  15. What are the advantages of driving a very big car?
  16. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of such a small car?
  17. Would you like to own a hybrid or electric car?
  18. Should people be required to wear seat belts in the back seat? Do you ever wear a seat belt in the back seat? In a taxi?
  19. Which do you think is safer: travelling by plane or by car?
  20. Do you always obey the speed limits? Why/why not?


 How to get better at video games, according to babies (5分11秒)

2013年、ある研究者グループは、アタリ社のゲームすべてをクリアできるAIシステムを作りたいと考えました。彼らはDeep Q Networks(DQN)というシステムを開発し、それから2年も経たないうちに超人的な性能になりました。しかし、注目すべき例外がありました。『モンテスマの復讐』をプレイしたDQNは1点も取れなかったのです。AIにとってこのゲームがとても難しいのはなぜでしょう?ブライアン・クリスチャンが深堀りします。


TED オフィシャル動画   Transcript 機能付き

ダニエル・スパーリングとジル・タル :電気自動車の驚くべき程長い歴史

The surprisingly long history of electric cars  (5分3秒)

19世紀末までに、アメリカでは自動車の40%近くが電気自動車になっていました。しかし、当時の電気自動車には3つの大きな問題があったのです ― 初期の自動車用バッテリーは高価で、効率が低く、しかも車両価格はガソリン自動車の2倍にもなりました。そのため、その後の数十年においては、ガソリン自動車が市場を支配しました。電気自動車は路上でかつての存在感を示すことができるのでしょうか?


TED オフィシャル動画   Transcript 機能付き

ベネデッタ・ベルティとエヴェリーン :難民になるとはどういうことか?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. Who are those people commonly referred as refugees?
  2. What is the modern definition of “refugee” drafted in the UN’s 1951 Convention?
  3. What is the difference between the term “migrant” and “refugee”?
  4. How do refugees usually travel to help them cross borders?
  5. Where is the usual first stop of a refugee who is fleeing from a conflict?
  6. What is the purpose of the Refugee Camps?
  7. How long do refugees usually remain in the camps?
  8. What is the first legal step of refugees once they are in a new country?
  9. What is the most basic obligation of host countries towards people they recognize as refugees?

10. What are the examples of inconsistent and discriminatory treatment frequently being experienced by refugees?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Are refugees welcome in your country?
  2. Where are most of these refugees coming from?
  3. What rights do refugees have that you know?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of welcoming refugees into a country?
  5. What other forms of support do you think can governments provide besides welcoming refugees to stay in the country where they are seeking asylum?
  6. Would you be willing to support (financially or otherwise) charities that help refugees in your country? Why / why not?
  7. Why do you think some refugees suffer from discriminatory treatment?
  8. What do you think you’d do if you suddenly lost your home, your job, your family and your country became extremely dangerous to live in?
  9. Would you be willing to share your home to a refugee so that the country can accept more?

キャロル・ファルボトコ :20年後に住むことができるのはどこか?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. 1. How did the speaker define ” River Delta”?
  2. What impeded the farming and fishing of the residents of Mohammadpur lately?
  3.  Since 2000, what forced many villagers near Meghna River to move inland?
  4.  What other countries are impacted by the erratic weather, causing its people’s mobility?
  5. What did scientists agree according to the speaker?
  6. How did the speaker describe Bangladesh’s geographic feature?
  7. How have the citizens and government of Kiribati and Tuvalu resolved this problem since they couldn’t move inland even if they wanted to?
  8. What have these island’s governments repeatedly done to prevent this dilemma?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Are there any long-term climate changes apparent in your country?
  2. Has climate change affected the country in which you currently live?
  3. In your opinion, what do you think the world’s climate will be like 30 years from now?
  4. Are “eco-friendly” electrical and cars appliances really eco-friendly?
  5. Which firms and industries need to become cleaner and greener?
  6. In you view, is climate change the worst thing ever to happen to humankind?
  7. What kinds of pollution contribute to global warming?
  8. What human action do you think most adds to global warming?
  9. How does human consumption contribute to global warming?
  10. Do you think all countries are taking global warming earnestly?