
ダニエル・スパーリングとジル・タル :電気自動車の驚くべき程長い歴史


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

1. In 1899, what were the three major options to choose from when buying a car?

2. What were the features of the option number three, as mentioned by the speaker?

3. By the end of the 19th century, nearly how many percent of American cars were electric?

4. What was the major problem the electric vehicles had during those years?

5. As stated by the speaker, what did many inventors, including Thomas Edison try to build?

6. Why did the swapping out of dead batteries for charged ones consider not enough measure to make long trips?

7. In 1908, what did Ford release and its characteristics?

8. For the next 55 years, which engine ruled the roads as mentioned by the speaker?

9.  How is Hybrid cars defined by the speaker?

10. As the government around the world is focusing nowadays on slowing climate change, what is being expected of the electric vehicles?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is your personal insight on the evolution of cars?
  2. Are you fond of cars?
  3. Do you think cars are essential and worth our money?
  4. Do you think the world would be a better place without cars?
  5. Have you ever been in a car accident?
  6. Should governments restrict engine sizes to protect the environment?
  7. In your own opinion, which country produces the best cars?
  8. Do you like sitting in a car, either as a driver or a passenger?
  9. Why do so many people care so much about their cars?
  10. What’s your favorite car?
  11. Does having a car symbolizes our social status?
  12. Do people need cars that go way above national speed limits?
  13. What features and functions of a car do you need most?
  14. In your point of view, where do cars rank in the list of most important inventions?
  15. What are the advantages of driving a very big car?
  16. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of such a small car?
  17. Would you like to own a hybrid or electric car?
  18. Should people be required to wear seat belts in the back seat? Do you ever wear a seat belt in the back seat? In a taxi?
  19. Which do you think is safer: travelling by plane or by car?
  20. Do you always obey the speed limits? Why/why not?