
役立たずなものを作る理由━ シモーン・イェッツ (11分48秒)


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What does the speaker call the machine that could brush one’s teeth?
  2. Is her toothbrush helmet recommended by dentists?
  3. When did she finish making this toothbrush helmet?
  4. She carved out this little niche for herself on the internet as what?
  5. What did she say is the easiest way to be at the top of your field?
  6. She came up with a setup that would guarantee success 100 percent of the time. What was that setup?
  7. What is the first step in her process of building a useless machine?
  8. What was one thing she was really nervous about giving presentations?
  9. What did she call that device which rotates around and you can put anything on it?
  10. What is the true beauty of making useless things to her?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What’s the best invention ever? Why? Who invented it?
  2. What’s the worst invention ever? Why? Who invented it?
  3. Who’s the most famous inventor that you know? What are his inventions?
  4. What would you like to invent?
  5. Do you think time machine is a future invention?
  6. Do you think inventions always have some bad side effects?
  7. Do you think one day people can live on other planets? What inventions do they need to realize this dream?
  8. Do you know any inventor who was not successful when he was alive?
  9. Do new inventions always create new problems?
  10. What is the world’s most useless invention?