


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What it is that allows you to have interactive conversations with a hologram of a real Holocaust survivor, according to his talk?
  2. According to the speaker, what is something special and more profound and personal than what books or lectures, or movies could ever teach us?
  3. Who is in addition to being a Nobel Prize winner in physics was also known as a legendary teacher?
  4. What does their pipeline use to convert and input audio into these mouth points?
  5. Their goal was to build an accurate model of a person, not to what?
  6. As a researcher, he’s also working on countermeasure technology for what purpose?
  7. What is one of the tools they plan to release?
  8. What is a Reality Defender?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
  2. What are some benefits or potential positives of AI?
  3. What are some risks or potential dangers of AI?
  4. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about artificial intelligence technology? Why?
  5. One often mentioned risk is that AI (or robots) will take over people’s jobs; what do you think about this argument?
  6. How would you feel about having a robotic colleague?
  7. Do you think Artificial Intelligence also means that computers could possibly become conscious or self-aware? Why / why not?
  8. How is AI helping you in your everyday life?
  9. How would you like artificial intelligence to help you in the future?
  10. Which scenarios of AI use in the economy do you know?
  11. Would you like a robot to do a service for you? Or do you prefer human beings? What if robots did it to a cheaper price?
  12. Which movie about AI do you like? Why?