
バーバラ・ナッターソン・ホロウィッツ: 獣医が知っていて医師が知らないこと

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. Who was the speaker in the speech?
  1. Horowitz was a cardiologist that specializes what?

3  What was the chimpanzee’s problem and what favor the veterinarian ask to Horowitz?

  1. Barbara Horowitz is currently working with two companies. What are those companies?
  1. According to the speech, physicians and veterinarians were essentially taking care of the same disorders in their animal and human patients. Name three disorders that were mentioned in the speech.
  1. How did Horowitz discuss the exciting connections of diagnoses between cardiologists and veterinarians about fear-induces heart failure?
  1. How did Horowitz tackle the exciting connections of diagnoses between cardiologists and veterinarians about self-injury?
  1. How did Horowitz tackle the exciting connections of diagnoses between cardiologists and veterinarians about postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis?
  1. According to the speech, what do you call a veterinarian who can only care of one species?

10. At Zoobiquity conferences, what can participants learn?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions)

  1. Should animals be kept in a zoo?
  1. Do you agree that a dog is a man’s best friend? Why?
  1. Have you ever seen a dog that helps people, such as one to assist a blind person or a policeman?
  1. Do you think people should buy and wear fur coats?
  1. Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals?
  1. Do you agree with testing on animals to find new medicines?
  1. What do you think of hunting? Would you eat an animal that you killed yourself?
  1. Do you think the most important thing by which psychopaths can be recognized is their attitude toward animals? Explain why.
  1. Do you think it is a good pattern in general to judge people by their attitude toward animals? Explain why.

10. What do you think about GMO farm animals?

11.  Do you think people should be allowed to clone people or organs of people? Why?

12. Do you think that one-day science will find a way to make
people live forever? If so, do you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?

13. What do you think the worst disease to have would be?

14. What do you think about the health care system in your country? How could it be improved?

15. Do you think medicines are tested enough before they are put on the market?