
リカルド・セムラー: (ほぼ)ルールなしで会社を経営する方法

Questions :

Ricardo Semler: How to run a company with (almost) no rules
もし仕事が、あなたの人生を束縛しないとしたらどうでしょう?ブラジルで企業のCEOを務めるリカルド・セムラーは、過激な方法で、企業の民主主義を実践しています。彼は、取締役会から社員の休日の報告方法(そんなこと必要ないのです)まで、あらゆることを見直しました。それは、社員の英知に報い、ワーク・ライフ・バランスを促進し、さらには、仕事や人生とは本当はどうあるべきか、深い洞察に導いてもくれるのです。おまけの質問をひとつ ― もし学校もこんなふうだったら?

Questions : リカルド・セムラー: (ほぼ)ルールなしで会社を経営する方法

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What does Ricardo Semler mean about “terminal days”?
  2. How did Mr. Semler run a company?
  3. The speaker spoke about the most important things in life, what are those?
  4. What was the name of the school they created?
  5. What are the different ages Mr. Semler mention in his talk?
  6. What is the beautiful cemetery in Cambridge?
  7. Mr. Semler threw everything he had into the fire and it did two things for himself and his kids. What were those?
  8. Asking three whys: What happens in the first why?
  9. Asking three whys: What happens in the second and third why?
  10. What is the effect of asking asking three “whys” in a row?


Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. How is what would you do if you only have six months or a year to live?
  2. What is your own definition of “love”?
  3. Do you think that there is life after death?
  4. Where do you think people go after they die?
  5. Have you ever thought your purpose of existence? What do you think it is?
  6. Choose one: Having a lot of money but very little time or having time but not having money nor health?
  7. How would you run a company? with rules or almost no rules?
  8. What do you want to be remembered for?
  9. “Nobody wants it for free” Do you agree with this? Explain further.
  10. If you can have something for free, what would you like to have? Why?
  11. If you can have something for free, what would you like to have? Why?
  12. What did you write in your bucket list? How important is it to keep a bucket list?


Part 3   (Activity): Fill in the blank

ted 2

ランドール・マンロー: 「もし、こうだったら?」をマンガで問う


Randall Munroe: Comics that ask “what if?”
ウェブ漫画家のランドール・マンローは「もし こうだったら?」という内容のシンプルな質問に答えています(例えば、「もし光速で移動するボールを打ったら?」)。彼が使うのは数学と物理学、論理と淡々としたユーモアです。この楽しい話でマンローは、グーグルのデータセンターに関する読者からの質問からスタートし、遠回りしながら笑ってしまうほど詳細な答えに達します。その答えとは・・・シーッ、あなたもそこから何か学べるかも知れませんよ。

Questions : ランドール・マンロー: 「もし、こうだったら?」をマンガで問う

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. If a baseball is pitched at 90 percent of the speed of light, how long would it take to reach the home plate?
  2. What are the few things that we need to consider in order to figure out how big would Google’s data warehouse?
  3. What does the Google need to get the power they need?
  4. It is prohibited but people still do it when they visit a data center. What is it?
  5. What was Mr. Munroe’s estimation?
  6. How many characters can a punch card hold?
  7. How many punch cards can you fit into a box?
  8. How did Mr. Munroe figured out Google’s response?
  9. What was the Google’s response to the article about the punch cards?
  10. Before Mr. Munroe ended his speech, he talked about receiving a question from anonymous sender using what subject line?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Can you give an example of a hypothetical question?
  2. What do you think is the best and fastest way to hide a body? Can you do this one soon?
  3. Would you like to work at Google? Why? Why not?
  4. How do you relate to Randall Munroe’s talk about Google towards being the biggest usage server for websites?
  5. Would we be able to survive without using Google?
  6. Do you believe that Google has the answers to all our questions?
  7. Is everything written on the Google a fact?
  8. How do you filter the information you have read in the internet?
  9. In what way does Google take over our lives?
  10. According to Randell Munroe’s talk, it is said that Google is the world’s largest consumer. Aside from NSA, could you think of any other organizations as well?
  11. If you received a parcel from Google, what would be your reaction?
  12. What can you say about Google’s response to Mr. Munroe?
  13. Why do you think Google is so secretive about the size of its data pool?
  14. No matter how much information and data is stored, we are faced with the problem of retrieval. List as many characteristics of a great information retrieval program as you can and explain you answer to someone.
  15. Aside from money, electricity and number of servers, what do you think are the other factors you can suggest to Mr. Monroe?
  16. What do you think is unusual about combining math, science and comics? Explain your viewpoint to someone.
  17. Would it be a good idea if all the digital data in the world will be stored in punch cards?
  18. What do you think will happen if Google would be transparent with the information they have?
  19. Do you think all questions can be answered by math, science and comics?
  20. “If people had wheels and could fly, how would we differentiate them from airplanes?”


Part 3    Activity : Instruction:

Find the words for each description below and write it on the space provided. All words will occur horizontally or vertically – not diagonally.
ted 2

エレン・マッカーサー: 私が世界一周単独航海で学んだ意外なこと

Questions :

The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world

Questions : エレン・マッカーサー: 私が世界一周単独航海で学んだ意外なこと

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What age did the she started to sail?
  2. What did she me made up in her mind at the age of four?
  3. What age did she begin to go apprenticeship?
  4. What is the name of the ship that used in sailing at the age of 24?
  5. What day did she first encounter storm at sea?
  6. What’s the definition of the speaker about the word “finite”?
  7. In the background of the speaker what is the job of her great-grandfather and how many years that he spent his life in the underground?
  8. What was the speaker found out as she went to the World Coal Association website? 9. “Can the circular economy decouple growth from resource constraints?

10.What is she referring to about her questions” So could we achieve this in their lifetimes? Is it actually possible?

Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Do you think changes in the economy are predictable?
  2. Are you interested in the economy?
  3. How important is the economic situation to your daily life?
  4. Do you think it is important to be knowledgeable about the economy?
  5. What do you think are the main economic problems in the world today?
  6. Do you worry about the world economy?
  7. Do you have any ideas about how the problems could be solved?
  8. What can assist economic growth?
  9. What do you think will happen 20 years from now?
  10. Do you think there would be lot of inventions in the near future?
  11. What are the best and the most useful inventions of the mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?
  12. What famous inventors do you know?
  13. How did the Internet influence such things as communication, correspondence, access to information?
  14. Do you think that the Internet is the good or the evil?
  15. What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind? (weapon, atomic energy, cigarettes, television, mobile phones, cars, genetically modified products etc)
  16. Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to? (human cloning, time traveling, eternal-life-pill, AIDS\cancer vaccine, teleportation)
  17. Just like what the speaker did have you tried to go sailing around the world?
  18. Do you have interest in sailing?
  19. How many countries have you been to? How many states?
  20. How many times have you traveled abroad?


Part 3 (Activity): Multiple Choice:

ted 10
ted 11
ted 12

Questions : クリス・アームソン: 自動運転車は周りの世界をどう見ているのか

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Who invented the automobile in 1885?
  2. What does the speaker talks about the topic?
  3. How many people are killed on the world’s roads every year?
  4. In America alone how many people are killed each year in a car accident?
  5. What is the kind problem that is getting worse in our roads today?
  6. What does the conventional wisdom says?
  7. What year they had the first test of a self-driving car where they let regular people use their car?
  8. What invention does the speaker is introducing?
  9. What year do they first test a self-driving car and let regular people use it?
  10. What statement they thought after letting the people used the self-driving car?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. What will driving be like in the future?
  2. How safe do you think is the self-driving cars?
  3. Do you want to have self-driving car in the future?
  4. Do you think self-driving cars will be use in the future? Why or why not?
  5. In your own idea do you think that self-driving cars could lessen traffic jam?
  6. Can you drive a car?
  7. Are you a good driver?
  8. Have you ever been in a car accident?
  9. Are the drivers in your area where you live good drivers?
  10. Do you know anything about repairing or maintaining a car?
  11. Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation?
  12. What kind of car do you prefer?
  13. What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a car?
  14. If you were going to get a new car, what kind of car would you get? A luxurious car? A sports car? A hybrid or electric car?
  15. What kind of cars do you think look the best?
  16. What is the fastest you have gone in a car?
  17. Do you think cars are safe?
  18. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of driving versus public transportation?
  19. What do you think cars will be like in the future?
  20. Do people drive well in your country?


Part 3   (Activity): Multiple Choice:

ted 7
ted 8
ted 9

クリス・アームソン: 自動運転車は周りの世界をどう見ているのか


TED Talk オリジナル
How a driverless car sees the road

Questions ジョン・ハンター: 世界平和ゲーム

Part 1   Reading Comprehension     TRUE OR FALSE


Instruction: Write T if the answer is True, and F if the answer is False,

then change the underline word to make it correct.


  1. The name of the Public school teacher that he is talking about is Pam More.
  1. Pam Moran Lives in Argentina County, Virginia, the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
  2. It all started back in 1987. He was a young man, and he had been dropping in and out of college. And my parents were very patient, but I had been doing intermittent sojourns to Africa on a mystical quest.
  3. I went in for a job interview in the Richmond Public Schools in Virginia, the capital city.
  4. Chris Farinya is a film maker that was introduce to him by a friend.


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. What is peace?
  2. What does peace mean to you? Is it important?
  3. Do you want peace or money?
  4. Peace or love?
  5. What is peaceful?
  6. Where can you go to have some peace & quiet?
  7. What parts of the world have peace?
  8. Is your school a peaceful place?
  9. What does it mean to have peace of mind or inner peace? Do you have them now?
  10. What are some synonyms for peace & quiet? Calm, tranquility,….
  11. What are some symbols of peace? What is the color of peace? What are the gestures? 12. What can you do to create a peaceful and quiet atmosphere?
  12. Are you a peaceful person?
  13. Who are more peaceful? – Men or women? -Adults or children? -Boys or girls? -Religious people or atheists? -Poor or Rich?
  14. Is there peace in your life?
  15. Are you at peace with your neighbor? – Your workmates? -Your classmates?
  16. Who is the most peaceful person you know?
  17. What images come to mind when you hear the world peace?
  18. What is the opposite of peace? Conflict, war, violence,…
  19. Is there peace in your family?

 Part 3   (Activity):   VOCABULARY

ted 10

Questions ラリー・ペイジ: グーグルが向かう未来

Part 1   Reading Comprehension   TRUE OR FALSE


 Instruction: Write T if the answer is True, and F if the answer is False,

then change the underline word to make it correct.


  1. Larry said: our mission we defined a long time ago is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


  1. Deep Eyes is a company we just acquired recently. It’s in the U.K. First, let me tell you the way we got there, which was looking at search and really understanding, trying to understand everything, and also make the computers not clunky and really understand you — like, voice was really important.


  1. The guy who started this company, Dennis, has a neuroscience and a computer science background. He went back to school to get his Ph.D. to study the brain.


  1. Zack Matere planted a crop of corn.


  1. They release a project called Loon Project which is using balloons to do it.


Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):

1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘company’?
2) What are your favorite companies?
3) Which company would you love to work for and why?
4) Which companies do you dislike most?
5) Have you ever written a letter of complaint to a company?
6) Which companies do you think provide the best customer service and best products?
7) Do you prefer bricks-and-mortar companies or Internet companies?
8) Amazon.com founder and boss Jeff Bezos said: “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person.” What do you think of this?
9) Mary Kay Ash said: “People are definitely a company’s greatest asset.” Do you think this is true all over the world?
10) Andrew Grove said: “In the future, all companies will be Internet companies.” Do you agree? Would this be good?

Part 3   (Activity): VOCABULARY

ted 7