| TOEFL ライティング Integrated 正しい Trasitions (転換語)の使い方
ETSのオフィシャルサイトでは、最高得点(5)の採点基準(TASK DESCRIPTION)として以下のように紹介しています
A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections.
1. リスニングから重要な情報を入れ込むことができているのか。
2. リスニングにあるポイントとリーディングのポイントをうまく繋げているのか?
3. エッセイの全体構成と一貫性。
4. 文法、語彙やライティングの基本ルール(正しいスペリング、文法、大文字・小文字等)の運用を含め、英語の表現力があるかどうか。
上記採点基準 2、3 では、リスニングとリーディングのポイントを繋ぐ為の、
Integrated ライティングでは、リスニング パッセージの内容をレクチャーで否定する
形が多いので、 対比で使うTransitionsを上手に使うことが求められます。

例文 1
The reading argues that zoos are a bad investment.
In addition, the lecturer claims that zoos have value.
First, the reading says that zoos are a waste of money. They use money that could help poor neighborhoods.
Moreover, the lecturer argues against this.
Next, the reading claims that zoos are not good for animals. The reading uses many clear examples, such as small cages.
Also, the professor in the lecture argues that the reading is totally wrong about that.
Finally, the reading contends that zoos take up valuable land.
In addition, the lecturer gets really angry about that.
In sum, the reading argues that zoos are a waste of money.
In conclusion, the lecturer disagrees.
The reading argues that zoos are a bad investment.
However, the lecturer claims that zoos have value
First, the reading says that zoos are a waste of money. They use money that could help poor neighborhoods.
Conversely, the lecture argues against this.
Next, the reading claims that zoos are not good for animals. The reading uses many clear examples, such as small cages.
On the contrary, the professor in the lecture argues that the reading is totally wrong about that.
Finally, the reading contends that zoos take up valuable land.
In contrast, the lecturer gets really angry about that.
In sum, the reading argues that zoos are a waste of money.
Countering that, the lecturer disagrees.