
5分でわかる! Integrated  パッセージを述べるフレーズ

| TOEFL ライティング Integrated   パッセージを述べるフレーズ

TOEFL integrated ライティングでは、Introductionの中で、リーディング



Introduction でパッセージの内容を述べる 使える表現



The passage mentions that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage suggests that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage indicates  that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage assumes that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage investigates that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage claims that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage states that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage argues that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.


The passage addresses the evidence that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.

The passage deal with the evidence that pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters.


the professor disagrees with the idea mentioned in the passage. 

the professor casts doubt on the idea mentioned in the passage. 

the professor disputes the idea mentioned in the passage. 

the professor challenges  the idea mentioned in the passage. 

the professor denies  the idea mentioned in the passage. 

the professor refutes the idea mentioned in the passage. 

the professor describes the opposing view.