| TOEFL ライティング Integrated = 読みやすいエッセイ =
Integrated ライティングでは、パッセージの内容に対し、レクチャーでの反論点を把握し、
さらに評価を上げるには、読みやすさ ”展開を予想しながら読めること” です。
「読みやすいエッセイ」の秘訣は、「Introductionの中で、Reading passageの論点を

| Introduction
The topic discussed here is the investigation of the causes of the disappearance of the sea otter, which is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coast of North America from California to Alaska. The woman in the lecture argues that the cause of their disappearance is the presence of the predators, especially areas, and not pollution as the reading says.
| Body 1 パッセージ理由1への反論
Firstly, she argues that one of the proofs of their being attacked by the predators is the fact that no one can find any dead sea otters. If the cause was the pollution, many dead sea otters would be found along the shores. In addition, a predator will immediately eat its prey so this is why no dead sea otters were found.
| Body 2 パッセージ理由2への反論 Body
Secondly, the woman in the lecture argues there is another explanation than pollution why smaller sea mammals are all disappearing.She says that, since the whales tend to disappear because of the humans hunting them, the areas had to adapt their food habits to the sea conditions and as a result they have started eating the smaller sea animals available among them sea otters being included.
| Body 3 パッセージ理由3への反論 Body
Thirdly, she argues that the areas cannot access the shallow locations. This is why there are some areas where the sea otters are numerous. It’s not because of uneven concentrations of pollutants.
| Conclusion 省略