
TOEFLスピーキングQuestion 4 解答に必須の表現集

TOEFLスピーキングQuestion 4  解答に必須の表現集

Question 4では、90秒~120秒程度、230~280語程度の




また、Question 4での質問内容は必ず、「講義で述べられているトピックに


Useful Expressions


1.Expressions that can be used in telling about the lecture subject


  1. The professor discussed…
  2. The lecture talked about…
  3. The entire lecture covered …
  4. The topic of the lecture was …
  5. The majority of the talk was about…
  6. The professor told her students about …
  7. The professor’s lecture mentions …
  8. He focused on …
  9. The main idea was …
  10. The professor looked into …

2.Expressions that can be used in telling about the first example


  1. The first example is ….
  2. He first cites …
  3. First, the lecturer…
  4. In her first example, she mentions …
  5. The first is that…
  6. First, he discusses .. .
  7. First of all, he covers …
  8. She first discusses .. .
  9. The first one he mentions is …
  10. His first explanation is …

3.Expressions that can be used in telling about the second example


  1. The second example is about….
  2. Next, the professor mentions…
  3. On the other hand,….
  4. The lecturer then discusses…
  5. Another thing she covers is…
  6. The second example cited is…
  7. After that, the professor talks about…
  8. The second theory is that. ..
  9. The professor’s next point Is…
  10. The second explanation deals with…