
TOEFLスピーキングQuestion 3 解答に必須の表現集

TOEFLスピーキングQuestion 3  解答に必須の表現集

TOEFL スピーキング Question 3 では、あるアカデミックなトピックの課題文





Question 3で聞かれる内容は、「トピックについて説明し、


Useful Expressions


1.Expressions that can be used in telling about the lecture subject


  1. The lecturer describes …
  2. In the course of the lecture, the professor .. .
  3. The subject of the talk is …
  4. During his lecture, the professor mentions .. .
  5. The professor gives a lecture on …
  6. The professor lectures on .. .
  7. The lecture Is mostly about …
  8. The topic of the lecture Is .. .
  9. In the lecture, the professor focuses on …
  10. The professor’s talk mentions …

2.Expressions that can be used in telling about the lecture details


  1. If you look at the details, ….. –
  2. The professor gives several examples…
  3. The first was…
  4. One thing the professor mentions is …
  5. First, the professor says …
  6. The reason for this is .. .
  7. Something else to remember Is …
  8. The first reason is that .. .
  9. It is often the case that …
  10. The professor states that. ..

3.Expressions that can be used in referring and quoting remarks


  1. The professor says,” … ”
  2. According  to the lecture,
  3. The professor thinks that. ..
  4. The lecturer remarks that. ..
  5. She mentions,” … “
  6. In his opinion,
  7. The professor discusses…
  8. The reading mentions that ..
  9. In the reading, the author  writes…
  10. In the professor’s words, “…”

4. Expressions that can be used In making relations


  1. This is a part of … in the reading because…
  2. This represents the idea of … in the reading.
  3. This relates to the reading passage In that .•.
  4. This is a classic Instance of …
  5. The professor’s example is connected to the reading in that …
  6. The reading passage describes this Instance as …
  7. An example of this Is found in the reading, which mentions …
  8. The relation between the reading and lecture Is …
  9. This fact is strongly related to …
  10. The connection the professor makes to the reading is …

5. Expressions that can be used in telling about the reading passage


  1. According to the reading,
  2. The reading states that…
  3. In the reading,
  4. It is considered to be a fact that…
  5. The reading covers…
  6. The reading passage describes…
  7. As describe in the reading,
  8. The topic covered in the reading is…
  9. This concept is covered in the reading, which stakes…
  10. The reading focuses on …

6. Expressions that can be used to connect the lecture examples to one another


  1. Both instances…
  2. In both cases,
  3. These are two methods…
  4. The two examples both …
  5. The lecturer’s two examples …
  6. The professor’s two Instances …
  7. Both of the professor’s examples ..
  8. The two examples mentioned both …
  9. This shows how the two instances…
  10. These are both examples of…