
Lesson 8. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)

Lesson 8. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)

▮ Explanatory Text: Technology and gadgets are a big part of our daily lives. From smartphones to gaming consoles, they offer entertainment and help us stay connected. Talking about them shows how technology impacts us.

▮ Discussion Instructions: Discuss your favorite gadget. How does it make your life easier or more fun?

▮ Common Phrases:

I use…
My favorite gadget is…
It helps me to…
I can’t live without…
This technology is…

▮ Example Sentences:

I use my laptop for homework.
My favorite gadget is my smartphone.
It helps me to stay connected with my friends.
I can’t live without my wireless headphones.
This technology is very advanced.

Lesson 52. Robots and Artificial Intelligence (ロボットと人工知能)

Lesson 52. Robots and Artificial Intelligence (ロボットと人工知能)

▮ Explanatory Text: Robots and AI are transforming how we live and work, making tasks easier and providing new solutions to complex problems.

▮ Discussion Instructions: Talk about the impact of robots and AI on society. What future advancements do you anticipate?

▮ Common Phrases:

Automated systems
AI technology
Robotics engineering
Machine learning
Future innovations

▮ Sample Sentences:

Automated systems are used in many industries.
AI technology is advancing rapidly.
Robotics engineering is a growing field.
Machine learning allows AI to improve over time.
Future innovations in AI could change the world.

Lesson 49. The Art of Animation (アニメーションの芸術)

Lesson 49. The Art of Animation (アニメーションの芸術)

▮ Explanatory Text: The art of animation allows for creative storytelling, bringing characters and stories to life through drawings and technology.

▮ Discussion Instructions: Share your favorite animated movie or series. What do you like about it?

▮ Common Phrases:

Animated characters
Storytelling techniques
Visual effects
Animation studios
Creative expression

▮ Sample Sentences:

Animated characters can be very expressive.
Storytelling techniques in animation are unique.
Visual effects make scenes more exciting.
Animation studios like Disney are famous.
Animation is a form of creative expression.

Lesson 25.  Video Games (ビデオゲーム)

Lesson 25.  Video Games (ビデオゲーム)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Video games offer interactive entertainment and storytelling, allowing players to experience various digital worlds and challenges.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Talk about your favorite video game and what makes it special to you.

▮ Common Phrases:

Interactive gameplay
Digital worlds
Gaming challenges
Game design
Playing online

▮ Sample Sentences:

Interactive gameplay is fun and engaging.
Digital worlds in games are fascinating.
I enjoy overcoming gaming challenges.
Game design can be very creative.
Playing online with friends is enjoyable.

Lesson 16.  Learning English (英語学習)

Lesson 16.  Learning English (英語学習)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Learning English opens doors to global communication, offering opportunities for education, travel, and understanding different cultures.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Discuss why you are learning English and what challenges you face.

▮ Common Phrases:

Global communication
Language barrier
Educational opportunities
Improving skills
Cultural understanding

▮ Sample Sentences:

English is key for global communication.
Overcoming the language barrier is challenging.
Learning English creates educational opportunities.
I am working on improving my speaking skills.
Understanding different cultures is easier with English.

Lesson 14.  Pets and Animals (ペットと動物)

Lesson 14.  Pets and Animals (ペットと動物)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Pets and animals play a significant role in many people’s lives, offering companionship, love, and joy. They can be a source of comfort and teach us about responsibility and care.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Talk about any pets you have or your favorite animals. What do they mean to you?

▮ Common Phrases:

Animal companionship
Caring for pets
Loyal friends
Animal behavior
Emotional support

▮ Sample Sentences:

Animal companionship is very comforting.
I enjoy caring for my pet dog.
Pets are like loyal friends.
I’m fascinated by animal behavior.
My cat provides great emotional support.

Lesson 11.  Cultural Differences (文化の違い)

Lesson 11.  Cultural Differences (文化の違い)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Exploring cultural differences helps us understand and appreciate the diverse world we live in. It’s about discovering unique traditions, customs, and ways of life from around the globe.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Discuss any cultural differences you know between Japan and other countries. How do these differences make each culture special?

▮ Common Phrases:

Cultural practices
Traditional customs
Social norms
Unique traditions
Cultural appreciation

▮ Sample Sentences:

I enjoy learning about traditional customs from different countries.
Every culture has its own social norms and values.
Unique traditions make each country special.
There’s so much to learn from cultural practices around the world.
I believe in the importance of cultural appreciation.

Lesson 8. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)

Lesson 8. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Technology and gadgets are a big part of our daily lives. From smartphones to gaming consoles, they offer entertainment and help us stay connected. Talking about them shows how technology impacts us.

▮ Discussion Instructions:

Discuss your favorite gadget. How does it make your life easier or more fun?

▮ Common Phrases:

I use…
My favorite gadget is…
It helps me to…
I can’t live without…
This technology is…

▮ Example Sentences:

I use my laptop for homework.
My favorite gadget is my smartphone.
It helps me to stay connected with my friends.
I can’t live without my wireless headphones.
This technology is very advanced.

DAILY LIFE ― English Site

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★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:      DAILY LIFE

▮ Number of Lessons:    35 Lessons

▮ Target Level:     CEFR A1~A2, TOEIC 200~500, Eiken Grade 3 ~ Pre-2

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Course Features:

In this course, you will learn English conversation from short articles based on daily life topics such as hobbies, friends, family, health, and environmental issues. By learning practical basic vocabulary and phrases often used in daily life and having free discussions with the instructor about these topics, you will acquire practical conversational skills.

Access our original teaching materials here⇒


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▮ レッスンコース名 :  DAILY LIFE 

▮ レッスン数   :  35レッスン

▮ 対象レベル   :  CEFR A1~A2、TOEIC 200~500 , 英検3級~準2級

▮ 教材 :       オリジナル教材 (マイページ上部メニュー「オリジナル教材」)

▮ レッスンの特長: 

趣味、友人、家族、健康、環境問題など日常生活を題材にした短いArticle(記事、論文)からで英会話を学びます。 日常よく使われる実践的な基本語彙、フレーズを学びながらTopics(題材)について講師とフリーディスカッションをすることで実践的な会話力が身に付きます。