
Lesson 8. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)

Lesson 8. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)

▮ Explanatory Text: Technology and gadgets are a big part of our daily lives. From smartphones to gaming consoles, they offer entertainment and help us stay connected. Talking about them shows how technology impacts us.

▮ Discussion Instructions: Discuss your favorite gadget. How does it make your life easier or more fun?

▮ Common Phrases:

I use…
My favorite gadget is…
It helps me to…
I can’t live without…
This technology is…

▮ Example Sentences:

I use my laptop for homework.
My favorite gadget is my smartphone.
It helps me to stay connected with my friends.
I can’t live without my wireless headphones.
This technology is very advanced.