
Questions: 教師へのフィードバックでもたらせる変化-ビルゲイツ

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Who is the bridge couch of the speaker?
  2. How many percent of teachers got the same feedback of satisfactory?
  3. In what rank does U.S. Is tied for reading, science and math?
  4. What province is considered as best academic performer?
  5. What is the key to Shanghai’s incredible success?
  6. What are their ways in keeping their teachers keep improving?
  7. What is the helpful diagnostic tool in improving teachers’ ways of teaching?
  8. What did Sarah Brown Wessling ideas after she took video in her class?
  9. Does the system require a considerable investment?
  10. What is the importance of having that system?


 Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Do you agree that teachers don’t receive real feedback? Explain.
  2. What do you think on Bill Gates’ presentation on video recording a class. Do you think it’s effective? Why or why not?
  3. In your opinion, what are the other ways on how can teachers improve their performance?
  4. How can we expect teachers (and therapists) to improve and provide the best for our students if they’re not receiving feedback (positive or negative) on their performance?
  5. Would you like to watch videos of yourself teaching or providing therapy?
  6. Does anyone ever observe you or provide you with feedback?
  7. Is it possible to develop reliable measures that identify great teaching?
  8. What different kind of teachers can you name?
  9. Do you enjoy spending time with your teachers?
  10. If you were going to be a teacher, where would you like to teach?
  11. Young people spend a lot of their “formative years” with teachers. On the whole, is this time well-spent?
  12. What kind of formal training do teachers need in your country?
  13. Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher?
  14. How are you a teacher to someone else?
  15. What do you think it takes to be a good teacher?


Part 3 (Activity):


 Vocabulary: Multiple Choice

1.  Systematic        a. Efficient b. Chaotic c. Confused d. Disorderly
2. Revamp            a. Break b. Damage c. Destroy d. Clean
3,  Satisfactory     a  Unacceptable b. Adequate c. Inappropriate d. insufficient
4,.  Variation       a. Agreement b. Harmony c. Uniformity d. Innovation
5.  Incredible      a Believable b. Plausible c. Ridiculous d. Sensible
6.  Effective        a.  Useful b. Unable c. Weak d. Helpless